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  1. tprice54

    Exercising Heartrate

    Ok, so I am not a medical professional, but some advice: -the old adage is your maximum HR is 220-your age, and your exercise should not be more than 75% of that number. Now, it also depends on how good of shape you are in: the better your physical shape, the lower your resting HR is but the...
  2. tprice54

    young out of breath and WAITING!

    Let me welcome you to an excellant site that will help you in your journey. You have already learned a valuable lesson: you must be your own advocate. Now, I would suggest you fight hard for immediate surgery and get on the road to recovery....the sooner the better! Good luck and keep posting!
  3. tprice54

    Exercise and Enlarged Heart

    Welcome Gordo...there is no reason you can't get back; you should be able to start running in a few weeks....check with your cardio and surgeon; the biggest concern is the sternum healing. Alex, if a cardio says it will be soon, get thee to a surgeon. You will learn on this site many cardios...
  4. tprice54

    Heart rate monitor problems

    I would not count on the hand ggrip HR readings....the only other thing I can offer is batteries. I had a Garmin once that read high and low (I thought) but once I changed the abtteries, it worked fine. Now, my real question is: are your SURE the reading is off? If the pulse ox monitor read...
  5. tprice54


    Waiting to go into the OR, the man next to me was a 83 year old vet, still practicing part time. 2 days later we were walking the floor together on the step down unit, and he couldn't wait to get back to the, it definetly depends on the attitude going in.
  6. tprice54

    Homograft AVR & Aorta Replacement - Endocarditis infection of St. Jude's valve

    WOW! Thanks for posting so others may learn from your experience. I do not have a homograft, but I know many others here have, so hopefully they will see your post and join in. Hoping for a steady quick recovery for you!
  7. tprice54

    For those of you who have had surgery, how long were you on the ventilator?

    I only woke up once with the tube in, moved a bit and they put me right back first total awakening with eyes open, the tube was already gone.
  8. tprice54

    Bovine vs porcine

    well, as a good consultant would say,"it depends"! :-) A porcine is the actual valve from the pig, which then gets fixed so as to not be live tissue. An Edwards Bovine is made from the pericardial tissue, not the actual valve. The tissue is hand sewn into a valve by people. This assures every...
  9. tprice54

    Better than before?

    John, you are so right...the will to push myself....that is probably harder to get back than anything else. 4 years post op and mine seems to some and go.....but, I'm happy to be running!
  10. tprice54

    20 years today are plans now include the Stockade a thon!
  11. tprice54

    20 years today

    Al, not to hijack Jack's thread, but I LOVE the Boilermaker! Moved back to CNY in 1990 and run it every year.... only missed one race, the year before my surgery when I promised to cut back. It was my first big race post op. You need to come back and run one!
  12. tprice54

    Better than before?

    At 9 weeks, you have plenty of recovery yet ahead of you. My totally unscientific opinion is the younger the patient, the better chance of recovery to a point you are better than before surgery. Us old guys just don't seem to get back to that level, although some do, many do not. You have a...
  13. tprice54

    20 years today

    Jack, since I started down this road of AVR you have been my inspiration....nice post...we need to meet at a race!
  14. tprice54

    Exercise in Extreme Temperatures

    It is certainly difficult for anyone to run in this seems heart patients are a little more wary of it....we might be a little more in tune with our bodies Post op.....
  15. tprice54

    Beta blockers, Heart Rate Monitors and exercise

    Just my 2 cents here....make sure you "need" to be on BB's. There are good reasons to need them, but say, for blood pressure regulation, there are other drugs that work just as well that allow a higher HR.
  16. tprice54

    AVR and Gallbladder

    I did not have stones either. It was poorly functioning (EF of less than 20%). Who knew a gall bladder had EF too?
  17. tprice54

    AVR and Gallbladder

    YUP! Had mine out 2-1/2 years post op. Until then, I never had an issue, but boy, it felt good to get rid of it! :-)
  18. tprice54

    New to the forum - activity/symptoms questions

    Welcome! Maybe and I say maybe, your endurance is changing becuase of your valve, and maybe not. I can tell you my experience, and it may help..... I was a runner/marathoner for many years. One day my GP heard a LOUD murmur, and sent me for tests. I found a cardio who at least was a runner...
  19. tprice54

    Why does it take so long to recover?

    John, it took me a year plus to get into any real shape, and longer to get even close to my pre op pace. And all that was without beta blockers, which I got to stop at 6 months post op. My only suggestion is to keep at it, and stop comparing your pace to pre's a whole new world now!
  20. tprice54

    Article on 20th valversary

    Jack, as always, you are my hero....can't wait to meet up at a race someday!