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  1. M

    How did you discover your valve issue?

    Routine physical in April 2021 and the GP just barely picked up a faint murmer - he said it's a little elusive, but considering that there's a little family history, just go get an echo to be sure it's not the beginning of a problem. Got an echo, bounced to a cardiologist (who couldn't hear a...
  2. M

    Covid 19 vaccine recommendations
  3. M

    Covid 19 vaccine recommendations

    Yup - 2 Pfizer shots, and I'm going to try to see if I can get a Moderna booster.
  4. M

    Post Surgery Timeline

    FWIW, 1 week later - 4.5 mile hike yesterday felt ok. Medium up and down, but the comfortable pace meant that I was slightly OOB most of the trip. Some tiredness in legs/hips tiredness today, but no other effects. Figured I'd give the wine a try today and easily took 4 cases down a flight of...
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    Post Surgery Timeline

    "... I am able to enjoy October, my favorite month of the year. " NW MI/UP autumn FTW.
  6. M

    Post Surgery Timeline

    I had a 5 hour drive and we stopped twice to get out and walk. I was 6 days post-surgery and still wanted to sleep as much as I could. My driver could have handled a 7 hour drive (8.5 hours w/ breaks), and I think I'd rather be home than in a hotel, but remember you will not be sharing the...
  7. M

    Mechanical vs Tissue - need help deciding

    This. I had closed shoulder arthro and that recovery was way worse than the last 7 weeks of OHS recovery. I'm heading for a full replacement, so I chose tissue valve.
  8. M

    After your surgery, what are some of the things that you found out that surprised you

    Minor serious notes re: the Spirometer - I wound up with two of them - one that goes to 5000 ml and one that goes to 2500 ml, both Voldyne. The one that goes to 2500 measures about 50% higher volume on each breath than the one that goes to 5k. Be sure to ask your doctor about your target...
  9. M

    After your surgery, what are some of the things that you found out that surprised you

    5 weeks out observations: - The hospital bed was a war crime. After about day 4, the majority of my pain was from my hip/low back, not from the incision, and this was almost all from the bed. At 5 weeks, I'm still working out the back pain and I'll go an entire day w/o the sternum giving a...
  10. M

    Mechanical vs Tissue - need help deciding

    Fair point re: "blood thinners" - I was being sloppy. I have noticed and it does bug me that even the local coumadin clinic staff use the phrases blood thinners/clotting factors interchangeably. " Doctors (surgeons included) seem to not really deeply engage with you and your lifestyle. "...
  11. M

    Mechanical vs Tissue - need help deciding

    Interesting - my reading/surgeon indicated that I'll buy more time from my tissue valve by being active than by riding the couch. I know you're a data guy, so if you have any links handy, I'd appreciate it. If not, no problem, I'll just dig deeper. Another minor data point - had a consult w/...
  12. M

    Returning to exercise after valve surgery

    Thanks to all who commented on this thread. It's very reassuring to be reminded that recovery milestones are often measured in months, not weeks. I'm at 5 weeks and itching to get back to yardwork, heavy bag, etc, even though I know that treadmill/rowing/walking is what I should be doing now...
  13. M

    Mechanical vs Tissue - need help deciding

    Similar situation - I'm an active person who just never could bring myself to do lots of treadmill/running/bicycle type cardio, but effectively did it as part of my regular activities. A tissue valve replacement and other repairs were done 8/9/21. I've had knee, hip and 2 very bad shoulder...
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    Our company went to WFH back in 2012. Our running gag was "First they were pajamas, then they were pajama pants, then they were just...pants."
  15. M

    Going forward?????

    Note carefully that this is only true for people who do not expect to have additional major surgeries post-OHS. There are absolutely good reasons to get tissue valves.
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    This is likely true, but there's a fair amount of data that higher antibody response isn't exactly directly correlated to protection level. That is, the antibody response differential between Pfizer and other vaccines isn't necessarily reflected in different levels of protection.
  17. M

    Covid Vaccines

    Up here in semi-rural MI, the ivermectin thing has kind of a funny dynamic. The exact group that's most likely to advocate its use is being most affected by its shortage.
  18. M

    Going forward?????

    Yes - one surgeon hinted that I'm likely to get more time out of my valve because (unbelieveably given how much burbon and donuts I've consumed in my life), the rest of my heart was in very good shape. I think there's a lot of YMMV around valve life.
  19. M

    Going forward?????

    <looks through wallet> hrmmmm - library card, vaccination card, medical pot card, Costco card, ah - there we go - it's a Citgo valve. (Damn you, Humana!!!) Carpentier-Edwards PERIMOUNT Magna Ease pericardial aortic bioprosthesis with ThermaFix process‡ w/ a side of broccoli. Surgical aortic...
  20. M

    Cardiologists - Enemies or Humans?

    My father was a doctor and I've known a lot of cardiologists from when I was young. They're just a different breed. Candidly, it's easier to assume that all of your rules about socialization go out the window with cardiologists and work with what they give you. You create a lot less distress...