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  1. newarrior

    Not doing surgery

    ...of time I'm 61 years old and all I want is to non-exist. It's all I've ever wanted my whole life. That's all I've ever dreamed of was to be dead. Having to go through valve surgery at some point is the final straw. I've had it. I'm out. I think it's barbaric that I can't go back to America...
  2. newarrior

    Not doing surgery

    They are not able to assist me. I have treatment resistant depression. I will be happy when I am dead.
  3. newarrior

    Not doing surgery

    I've called that hotline numerous times fucking useless.
  4. newarrior

    For those struggling with anxiety...

    ...anxiety and depression all my life and I feel like my situation is different than others and that I live overseas that's because my family's dead so I don't have anything to be in America for I've got a partner but you never know where those things are heading. I've got to pay cash for the...
  5. newarrior

    Not doing surgery

    ...get euthanized like they do in Holland for things like tinnitus (which I have had for 33 years and drives me crazy). I am 61 intelligent and am dead set on driving my life to a conclusion ASAP as I am suffering too much from depression and medical issues and have no interest in continuing...
  6. newarrior

    First Surgery Coming Up, And Afraid

    What if we have other medical issues on top of the cardiac that are already restricting our lives ?
  7. newarrior

    Valve Selection

  8. newarrior

    Lipoprotein(a) | Lp(a) test

    ...know that 2025 was a potential Target date for release of therapeutic drugs. I'm currently sitting at 89. My calcification scores are in the thousands. I'm surprised I'm not dead. That's great you've got a 40% reduction with PC ks9 I just found somebody here in Thailand who will do that for me.
  9. newarrior

    Not doing surgery

    This has always been my dream==to be dead---god bless heart disease)
  10. newarrior

    Post-Surgery Anxiety

    ...more we can have total freedom inside and outside if that makes sense. By the way all the great spiritual teachers always say that the past is dead and it's behind you and when you think about it you have worry and regret and when you think about the future you have fear or unrealistic hopes...
  11. newarrior

    Pre Surgery and Work

    ...I'll have to pay for a valve in valve.. however the price is might come down significantly for some of these procedures or I may simply drop dead before I end up getting a second or third procedure. And if that point I'm still living in Thailand it won't really matter because the cost of...
  12. newarrior

    Not doing surgery Remember I'm not in america. I was thinking and maybe starting over in the states or going somewhere like Singapore but now all that is dead in the water. I just got kicked out of a cat shelter that I've been volunteering at for five years that's really devastated me as well. I've...
  13. newarrior

    Inspiria Resilia

    I haven't researched that valve much I just found out about it hours ago. What makes you think I'm going to have two surgeries and be dead between 68 and 80? How is that a gamble financially? What about my situation seems like a Gamble? How am I gambling with my health?
  14. newarrior

    As I suspected: Emotional stress including depression, insomnia, stress and loneliness induce heart disease

    I don't have kids never married.. I left America because I was lonely there as well. My family in the USA is al dead..I have/had nothing in the states which I was I left the USA...I was busy here but the Covid 19 has killed most things socially here 0-- some short term some for good
  15. newarrior

    Meeting the Challenges of Solo Aging

    ...lived alone since 2000 I've never had a wife, kids, partner or even live with anyone other than the family I grew up with My family is all dead except a sick brother who is 8000 miles away Depression and being lonely cause inflammation and damage the heart. I'll ask again: Anyone here...
  16. newarrior

    Valve progression, pre and post op prep, valve selection, timelines

    I thought a lower pulse rate was good ? I have been clocking in at 54 when at rest..I exercise a lot and have my whole life...Athletes have resting HR of 40
  17. newarrior

    Mitral Valves - Dual Surgery

    ...hypertension, mildly high LDL, low HDL, mild left ventricle hypertrophy, a family history of sudden cardiac arrest including a brother dead at 46, a calcification score of 684 in 2012 when I was 49, and a Lp(a) score of 264 in 2019. I did change to low fat vegan diet in 2020 which got me down...