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  1. R

    Over the mountain...

    3 days post op and feeling better by the minute!!! :cool:
  2. R

    Getting nervous...

    Hi all! I am having my AVR on Thursday, tomorrow is my pre-op day of clinic, and I am just about as nervous as I can get...I have been anticipating this day for all of my 32 years, so I can't tell if I'm excited or actually really scared...Wish me luck, I will keep you all posted when I'm on the...
  3. R


    Thank YOU everyone!!! This has literally made my day, knowing that I'm not the only crazy person who worries about these things...Being 32, none of my friends or even family has been through this, so I have nobody to ask for advice. I did contact my surgeon's office and they will give me one...
  4. R


    I am having my OHS in 3 weeks, but am wondering from some Post-Op ladies about a bra choice...I am a full figured woman and obviously concerned about the weight of my breasts tugging on my incision. My surgeon recommended a "zip up" sports bra but I have been scowering the internet with not much...
  5. R

    Scheduled for July 7th OHS

    Hi Everyone! This is my first post as well, and I'm so happy/relieved to find this resource online! I am having my 2nd OHS on July 2nd...I had my first at 3 weeks old wayyy back in 1979 to 'correct' my pulmonary stenosis, and they had told my family (like many I see on this site) that 'someday'...