Hi Krodgers.
Hopefully there will be some members who can help with your specific question.
The one piece of advice that I will give you is to keep up with your echos. This is especially important for a young person with a tissue valve, as the young tend to go through them very quickly.
At age 19, you are probably looking at getting 5 to 10 years from your valve, possibly less.
I point this out because once you get a year or two away from your valve surgery, you probably won't think about your valve much anymore and will be busy living life. This is as it should be, just remember to be diligent with your follow up appointments. I also say this because I know how I was in my 20s and was not the best at getting medical check ups as often as I should have.
So, live life to the fullest, but get your echos at least every year, maybe even every 6 months. The last thing that you want to do is to forget about your follow up visits and then have SVD sneak up on you, and end up getting your next procedure in the ER. Due you your age, you will be facing several procudures during your life and you want to get them done before the point where irreversible damage occurs.
Best of luck in your recovery and hope that you find another member in the military with a similar situation as yours, who can give you some input.