Sorry to bother you all. I am freaking out a little. The newest doctor's notes state that hubby's NTpBNP levels are at 745. There has been NO mention of this in any other note in his chart, and it is not listed in the tests section of MyChart either. So I googled, yeah I know, evil. The first thing that comes up are the studies on high BNP levels after surgery predicting mortality. I mean, if the doctors don't mention it then it isn't an issue right? They did hint to my husband he might not get released until the weekend (today is POD 8), but that sounded to him like it was because it would take that many days to get his inr in range.
Did others have these high levels after surgery? Was there any concern about it? Everything I was reading states levels over 400 have a higher likelihood of a bad outcome. It just keeps saying heart failure, heart failure, heart failure. I need someone to calm me down before I run out to the hallway and start harrassing nurses.
Did others have these high levels after surgery? Was there any concern about it? Everything I was reading states levels over 400 have a higher likelihood of a bad outcome. It just keeps saying heart failure, heart failure, heart failure. I need someone to calm me down before I run out to the hallway and start harrassing nurses.