Medtronic Freestyle Root Bioprosthesis

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Several people have requested that you post the studies that refute the “old” studies. You have not. Instead, you choose to make claims with absolutely nothing to back up your claims. Your responses are based on feelings and not facts. Post facts. Your emotional responses mean nothing when it comes to actual science.

You tout “RESPECT”, yet you are super mean … SUPER mean: bashing one of our oldest members claiming that he isn’t real. That is sad sir and is totally unacceptable.

None of this thread made any sense until I saw your initial post from about a year ago where you indicated you were a psychiatric patient and wouldn’t be able to bear the “ticking”. Now it all makes sense.

So - Your choice of valve was right for you! Absolutely. Don’t get my statement twisted. It’s not the correct choice if you’re looking for the longest life at 40yo. That sir is a fact and all of the studies prove that. However, it IS the appropriate choice for someone like you who is already struggling psychiatrically and wouldn’t be able to live with any form of ticking. So kudos to you for keeping your sanity in check.

Now with that said, just because you hate mechanical valves and can’t stomach the thought of having one in your chest … well sir, that doesn’t give you the right to bash people on this forum for relaying the actual facts and making sure that new people understand the facts.

As a Sidenote, my cardiologist recommended a tissue valve (while my surgeon recommended the mechanical). Why? Why oh why would my cardiologist recommend a tissue valve to a young patient? Same reason lots of other cardiologists do. They are misinformed and they buy into the propaganda that is fed to them by the pharmaceutical companies. Simple as that. Don’t worry - I’ve been educating my cardiologist and showing him the actual studies that he wasn’t even aware of. Now he can help others better. Doctors don’t know it all. They can’t. They need to be educated like we all do. So go get educated.
I only asked for people's opinions, it's incredible how these people DO NOT RESPECT, they flood the posts and no moderator says anything to them. I understand that this forum charges a membership and generates money from people with mechanical valves.
But the mechanism they use to generate money is very unfair and inhuman. People with biological valves don't go around traumatized on internet forums, they live their lives.

They copy information that is 10 or 20 years old from PUBMED and think they are doctors (it's regrettable).
Here they believe themselves to be immortal, and they even speculate about how long they will live, "my valve will last 30 years, so I will live 30 years." It's always the same traumatized people writing the same things. I will start to make my time count, because I do have a long life ahead of me.

Except for this: " I will start to make my time count, because I do have a long life ahead of me." That's 100% on target.
Use has increased because of fear or not wanting to take a medication. Just know that quite a few who choose tissue valves for the lack of anti-coagulation end up on the anti-coag meds. You could get atrial fibrillation and end up getting prescribed Warfarin anyway. At your age the only thing guaranteed by getting a biological valve is another surgery, maybe two more. Not to mention, you state you would rather have 1 year of quality over quantity. 3-6 months of anti-coagulation meds is the standard after receiving a biological valve. So you could be on those meds for half that time anyway. Bleeding risks are there with mechanical valves, but the actual numbers are low. My main reason for going with a mechanical valve next week is that I know what open heart surgery is like, TAVR is never guaranteed to anyone, and I would rather go with the lower risk of re-operation.

The valve you choose for yourself is a very personal decision. Only you know what is right for you. But don't come here and get offended when you ask for information and it is given to you. You don't agree with what they say, or just don't want to hear it, ignore it.
Best of luck with your upcoming surgery.

Also, soon after your surgery, you will be receiving your Mechanical Valve Sect newcomer kit. As a new sect member, you will receive passwords to get discounts on your first order of test strips. You will also learn about our secret handshake and other super secret stuff. Unfortunately, as someone noted above, apparently the website now charges a fee, which only applies to mechanical valvers. The invoice for this will also be included in your starter kit. ;)
and no moderator says anything to them
Has one said anything to you about your personal attacks? I doubt it, because here we are expected to act like adults, work out our problems and get on with things.

If you want to behave like an immature mental patient, then I suggest Reddit or Facebook has a good set of "patient help" where you can exactly find a cohort of ignorant short term people who'll echo back to you your desires.

You started this whole furore because I dared to mention to you the fallacy of survivorship bias. In no way did I prevent anyone from posting their "testimonials".

I don't know what your problem is, but I know at least one of them is you're a liar. I don't know what happened, but back on the 31st of Dec 2023 you were able to engage and ask questions in a polite manner

Thank you all for your comments, and Happy New Year!

however in this thread you make (just speaking about me at this stage) accusations that I:
... only criticize the duration of biological valves and try to convince people to choose mechanical valves.

yet here I said to YOU the following.

me neither, each has advantages and disadvantages. There is no definitive cure for valvular heart disease; all we can do is to exchange it for prosthetic valve disease. This requires we make a choice. One choice trades durability for relative (not absolute) freedom from the required commitment to management of post surgical anticoagulation therapy.

I personally see this as the choice and if you want A or B its best to know and understand them well and know and understand yourself well.

That's the best you can do.

Best Wishes

I just can't see how that relates to "only criticize and try to convince"

Even back then someone else (I said it above) said to you about you being a psychiatric patient:

Please talk with counselors, psychiatrist, etc, who treat you about your heart valve concerns. They know you and can help you understand how this will impact you.

You need to check what you are saying and don't lie, don't lash out and above all don't engage in abuse of people.

Grow up mate (or don't, its your choice).

Sincerely, Best Wishes
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As a Sidenote, my cardiologist recommended a tissue valve (while my surgeon recommended the mechanical). Why? Why oh why would my cardiologist recommend a tissue valve to a young patient? Same reason lots of other cardiologists do. They are misinformed and they buy into the propaganda that is fed to them by the pharmaceutical companies. Simple as that. Don’t worry - I’ve been educating my cardiologist and showing him the actual studies that he wasn’t even aware of. Now he can help others better. Doctors don’t know it all. They can’t. They need to be educated like we all do. So go get educated.

My cardiologist also told me a tissue valve would be a better option. He told me that tissue valves were better for people with BAV. HA! I searched for research to prove that, there isn't any that I could fine. ;P My surgeon said it is 100% my choice, that I could go either way. Tissue was a good chance of repeat surgery and mechanical was the risk of bleeding events. I am truly not worried about bleeding events. I will take the meds, check my levels and get on with LIFE. :)
Here they believe themselves to be immortal, and they even speculate about how long they will live, "my valve will last 30 years, so I will live 30 years."
its not a speculation, its an actuality. Its in the literature. I'm sorry you don't like that.
(dang, my coffee has gone)

My cardiologist also told me a tissue valve would be a better option.
he may be right, it requires understanding all the factors perinate to you (including your psychology and any unique aspects of physiology)

He told me that tissue valves were better for people with BAV. HA!
well I agree with your HA there, because that specific reason doesn't bear scrutiny.

I searched for research to prove that, there isn't any that I could fine.
proof is almost never found, only evidence which we must assess on our scales


My surgeon said it is 100% my choice

I love it when they have nothing more than that to say ... no wonder people come here looking for discussion and evidence.

Best Wishes
(dang, my coffee has gone)

he may be right, it requires understanding all the factors perinate to you (including your psychology and any unique aspects of physiology)

well I agree with your HA there, because that specific reason doesn't bear scrutiny.

proof is almost never found, only evidence which we must assess on our scales

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I love it when they have nothing more than that to say ... no wonder people come here looking for discussion and evidence.

Best Wishes
To be fair I didn't ask him which one he would get if he were getting one. :p If it a problem that we didn't decide on one and surgery is coming up with no appointment between then and now? Or is that something that can be decided the day of surgery?
because he's a dick?

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(just in case others don't get it)

Because of Warfarin and risk of bleeding events. The cardiologist isn't a surgeon, so I am choosing to take what he says with a grain of salt. I mean I guess he has experience with cardiac patients after they get their new valves and so would have an opinion based on what he has seen in his patients, but in this case I will definitely go with my surgeon's information. He has many more years of experience and is highly involved in new research, and teaching etc. From all I have read about him I trust him.
Really disappointed reading the aggressive and accusatory statements from the OP here.

Regardless, here's my experience. Perhaps this will help someone else reading the forum.

I've been diagnosed with ADHD & high functioning autism spectrum disorder in the past, I have pretty regular migraines and I'm very sensitive to certain loud/repetitive noises at times. Prior to reading on this forum, I was very worried that the ticking would be unbearable. However, reading the personal experiences of people here changed my mind entirely. There have been many threads discussing this issue at length on this forum. My mindset was, if I've already made up my mind that this will be a problem for me, it very likely will be a problem for me. So, I decided to worry about the ticking when it comes, and not to make up my mind beforehand about something I fundamentally cannot know.

Now, 5 months after my surgery, I barely even think about the ticking. It does not interfere with any of my daily activities or sleeping. It doesn't cause me any anxiety or auditory over-stimulation. In fact, it's a reassuring sound that I enjoy hearing because it means that my valve is working correctly.

Many people seem to decide far ahead of time that the clicking will be unbearable, yet have no basis from which to make that decision. The sound of something coming from inside you is fundamentally different to the sound of a ticking clock on the wall. That's the first thing people go to because they think it's similar but it really isn't. That is my personal experience.

Yes, there can be issues with warfarin, but in my view, if you are diligent and take responsibility for yourself, those issues can be minimized.

Keep in mind also, that after a certain amount of cardiac surgeries, your risks of complications & death start to go up significantly. You can do your own reading on this topic. I think many people also fail to consider that having a valve surgery does not reduce your chance of needing a cardiac surgery for some other, unrelated reason later on.
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I think many people fail to consider that having a valve surgery does not reduce your chance of needing a cardiac surgery for some other, unrelated reason later on.
Deidra is correct, and this is an important reminder for everyone. I appreciate Deidra's posts, and I believe she is a good person!

However, I want to encourage everyone to reverse this statement. I have had valve surgery, but that does not sentence me to a shortened life, or to an unhealthy life, or to an unhappy life.

Instead, I choose to use my valve surgery as the beginning of a new, improved life. I choose to eat better, manage my health better, and use my time better. I will accomplish good things in my new life. :)
Deidra is correct, and this is an important reminder for everyone. I appreciate Deidra's posts, and I believe she is a good person!

However, I want to encourage everyone to reverse this statement. I have had valve surgery, but that does not sentence me to a shortened life, or to an unhealthy life, or to an unhappy life.

Instead, I choose to use my valve surgery as the beginning of a new, improved life. I choose to eat better, manage my health better, and use my time better. I will accomplish good things in my new life. :)
Very correct! Great mindset, and great reminder for everyone :)

Reminds me of that Confucius (apparently) quote...
Hello, I recently had Bentall surgery where I had a Medtronic Freestyle Root Bioprosthesis fitted. I am 40 years old. I have read two people here claiming that the valve has lasted 18 years, I would like to read more testimonials. There is too much evidence and information about this prosthesis on the internet. I appreciate that only information related to the subject and people who have or have had this valve is published. Thank you.
Hello Wendel,

I'm sure you realize by now that this is a mechanical valve forum. Any tissue valve discussion is quickly shutdown by the Dunning-Kruger gatekeepers.

They're led by Top Dunning-Kruger candidate Pellicle, who claims to know more than actual doctors who went to actual medical schools and have actual decades of actual experience because he scours the internet 24 hours a day for studies that confirm his biases and he supposedly has a Biochem degree from 1980 (which is very unlikely as he has not even an elementary knowledge of Statistics and Probability, a core curriculum skillset developed in Biochem majors).

What the gatekeepers don't realize is that by running off the tissue valve people, they've substantially reduced the site traffic and jeopardized the financial viability of the site to continue operations.

And then what?

Without this site, how do the Dunning-Kruger boys and girls get together and convince each other how smart they are in the future?
Hello Wendel,

I'm sure you realize by now that this is a mechanical valve forum. Any tissue valve discussion is quickly shutdown by the Dunning-Kruger gatekeepers.

They're led by Top Dunning-Kruger candidate Pellicle, who claims to know more than actual doctors who went to actual medical schools and have actual decades of actual experience because he scours the internet 24 hours a day for studies that confirm his biases and he supposedly has a Biochem degree from 1980 (which is very unlikely as he has not even an elementary knowledge of Statistics and Probability, a core curriculum skillset developed in Biochem majors).

What the gatekeepers don't realize is that by running off the tissue valve people, they've substantially reduced the site traffic and jeopardized the financial viability of the site to continue operations.

And then what?

Without this site, how do the Dunning-Kruger boys and girls get together and convince each other how smart they are in the future?
The amount of personal attacks you're leveling at other users says a lot frankly. We're all in this together aren't we? It's easy and free to be kind to people, even if you disagree with them.
Hello, I recently had Bentall surgery where I had a Medtronic Freestyle Root Bioprosthesis fitted. I am 40 years old. I have read two people here claiming that the valve has lasted 18 years, I would like to read more testimonials. There is too much evidence and information about this prosthesis on the internet. I appreciate that only information related to the subject and people who have or have had this valve is published. Thank you.
To everyone who piled on Wendel, I'll keep it simple:

Wendel had every right to come here and ask a specific question about a specific valve.

Wendel obviously did not want to get into any debate about Bio vs Mech valves and he specifically said as much.

Wendel simply asked if anyone with his valve could share with him their experience.

Nothing else... and a perfectly reasonable inquiry.

But Pellicle couldn't leave it at that so here we are.

This is what's wrong with this site. Well done people.

Hopefully Pellicle feels a little smarter, better about himself and not quite so small after "defeating" the "mental" Wendel.
The amount of personal attacks you're leveling at other users says a lot frankly. We're all in this together aren't we? It's easy and free to be kind to people, even if you disagree with them.
Deidra, I'm not familiar with you or your history but I do agree with you that being kind to people should be easy... but I haven't seen much of that practiced here for some time.

Instead, I've watched for years tissue valvers get piled on and driven out.

How many tissue valvers do you see posting regularly?

Why do you think that is?
Hello Wendel,

I'm sure you realize by now that this is a mechanical valve forum. Any tissue valve discussion is quickly shutdown by the Dunning-Kruger gatekeepers.

They're led by Top Dunning-Kruger candidate Pellicle, who claims to know more than actual doctors who went to actual medical schools and have actual decades of actual experience because he scours the internet 24 hours a day for studies that confirm his biases and he supposedly has a Biochem degree from 1980 (which is very unlikely as he has not even an elementary knowledge of Statistics and Probability, a core curriculum skillset developed in Biochem majors).

What the gatekeepers don't realize is that by running off the tissue valve people, they've substantially reduced the site traffic and jeopardized the financial viability of the site to continue operations.

And then what?

Without this site, how do the Dunning-Kruger boys and girls get together and convince each other how smart they are in the future?
Wrong on that all of us have Mechanical valves. We not all have has OHS. Not all of us have other types of valves. We all have heart issues that brings us together. Some have had valve replacement; some only have had repairs. We come together to share all experiences. You need to observe us all, mechanical, tissue, repair and those who have yet to have OHS. Sad you have not been here long to know. Bye.

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