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Jeepers! They actually had a patient that they reoperated on to replace mechanical valve with a tissue valve? Holy Smokes!!

That is what they said, my guess is was some time after original to make sure the patient wanted to go through it again. Personally it could be a myth. I went mechanical to be 1 and done.
I've seen this here with one member, she was in her late 50s early 60's (IIRC) and her surgeon needs a good solid hard kick up the arse. She had known bleeding risks and I would have classified her as "contraindicated for anti-coagulation", yet not in the opinion of her surgeon (who very clearly did not do due dilligence on that), post surgery she had bleed after bleed after bleed.

She had to be re-operated after they conceded it was a bad choice to begin with.

She was not (by her own admission) even remotely healthy (years of alcoholism other substances and tobacco), but still her surgeon did that ... I can only suspect he had another agenda.
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If being under 70 makes someone "younger", at 54 I guess that makes me sort of a toddler 🤣
It's all relative.
I'm 52, a buddy of mine who retired from the place I work at is 70 and doesn't like flying. He was getting ready to fly across the country to California this week and was all worked up about it and my 15-year-old son said " He's lived a good life. What's he worried about?" I had to explain to him that even when he hits the ancient age of 70 he's not going to necessarily be okay with the idea of his plane flying into the side of a mountain or something....
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I'm 52, a buddy of mine who retired from the place I work at is 70 and doesn't like flying. He was getting ready to fly across the country to California this week and was all worked up about it and my 15-year-old son said " He's lived a good life. What's he worried about?" I had to explain to him that even when he hits the ancient age of 70 he's not going to necessarily be okay with the idea of his plane. He's on flying into the side of a mountain or something....

Reminds me of a conversation I had with my dad when I was about 12, he was 37. He got some sort of false alarm from a blood test, which turned out to be nothing upon further examination. He said he was so relieved, because he was not ready to die yet. I recall thinking to myself that by his age, being so old, I would have thought that he would be more mentally prepared to die- after all, he's lived such a long life :)
even funnier is that now we are understanding that by having a good solid vitamin K intake you can smooth out the ripples in INR
Increasing VK intake ≥150 µd/day through diet strategies improves anticoagulation stability of warfarin treated patients with a history of anticoagulation instability.

I dunno who thought this bullshlt up about not taking greens because you're on warfarin, but I'm willing to bet it was one of those dieticians ... (who've been the subject of scorn and derision in biochemistry labs since I can remember)

Old Australian Joke:

Mummie Mummie, I hate Granmas guts ...​
Well love, push them aside and eat all your greens instead​
When my wife's son was on Coumadin after his bicycle accident they gave us a long list of things he couldn't eat. I remember going to the lab weekly for quite a bit for blood tests for the Coumadin and the shock related kidney issue. The body is amazing. His liver grew back, and his kidneys recovered pretty well. They were completely non-functioning for 28 days. He was on continuous dialysis for most of that. He does suffer from blood pressure issues now that they think is caused by a renin deficiency. He has some scarring on one of the kidneys. Back to the point, I wish the doctor had given us the option of varying his dosage rather than just taking all those foods away and creating a one and done dosage of the medication. He also had to be on a renal diet, so we were double dosed.

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