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A reminder of how Special this blog is, so it gets international readers who seek out perspectives from people who are dealing with various heart problems. We are also fortunate that Google Translate exists now, tho some of us are limited by literacy or technology in using it. So many readers on this forum are generous in sharing their "Piece of the (ever evolving) Truth" in their own personal style. I do not have any significant heart problems (yet), but sought information on this blog on behalf of my sister a few years ago. An important piece of information for her situation came in from a reader who lives in Greece & I am grateful this Greek reader communicated on this forum re the recent availability of a specific conduit-valve, so she could discuss this option with her (second) surgeon before the second operation. You may learn things on this blog that evidently some surgeons are not yet aware of. My sister's second surgeon was alert to this newer valve & it is doing well for my sister. Thank you to all the Bloggers here.
I pasted this into Google translate, which returned

I would advise that the guidelines are interesting and Australia (perhaps like Russia) has no guidelines for this but most practitioners look to the USA or EU. So from the following source:

Currently no formal AAA screening guidelines or programs exist in Australia, unlike Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States​

you would seem to be in a low risk area

View attachment 890423

further it says:
View attachment 890424

so you are not yet in a position where our medical practice would consider you need more than monitoring.

Basically I am showing my working of "why I agree with your doctor".

So, welcome to the waiting room.

View attachment 890425

to establish rapid growth you'll need measurements done over time (like how we calculate speed by distance over time).

Я бы посоветовал, чтобы это была доска на английском языке. Пожалуйста, пишите на английском. В сети есть много простых переводчиков на английский язык. Пожалуйста, сделайте нам одолжение, воспользовавшись одним из них.
Я не говорю по-русски.
Доска быстро станет беспорядок, если все будут писать только на своих родных языках.
У нас есть участники из многих стран, где не говорят по-английски, пожалуйста, следуйте их примеру.

Best Wishes
Thanks for posting this RACPG screening tool. I have a seemingly stable AAA at 4.1 & have other things to worry about in what's left of my life.

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