a thorny and vexing question. The answer is "it depends"
Too many variables to predict, you could get 2 years or 20 year ... you'll average 10 before SVD and the reasons range from as simple as "its a piece of leather and so no two bits of hide wear the same" through to the complex
get your Lp(a) tested because that's a significant determinant
here's the low down on SVD
you won't find a better reference than that (but its quite a bone to chew).
Some simplifications are found here
by Dr Schaff of the Mayo
more current video
I think more than mech = warfarin etc. This is the main issue of the choice of valve replacement.
also well worth your time to listen:
Its up to you, but 68 would not be my desired time for a reoperation ... oh, and if anyone says "TAVI" to you just search here how many times people were promised and then found "you're not suited".
Best Wishes