62 years old and meeting surgeon in 10 days to decide on valve type

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The more surgeries the more scar tissue in there. Also, some of us have had endocarditis after 2 surgeries requiring a 3rd we weren’t expecting. Be open for another surgery or 2 down the road. You never know. Taking warfarin is just another pill and a self test once a week.
Plus, I got chronic a-fib after 3rd surgery so i would’ve ended up on warfarin. I choose not to call it poison because that’s pretty negative.
Hi !, before all, would like to thank all the people that share here their concerns and thoughts about this event that has crossed our lives taking us to surgery room to have a heart valve replaced.

currently am 62, and every where hear "recommendations" for tissue valves because they will last 20 years, or 17 at least, and on the other side hear that currnet st jude and on-x valves will for sure last 20+ years and warfarin is just a matter of learning how to manage it....

reading and talking have to say a question comes to my mind "if there is no one walking around with a pericardial valve" x 20 years, how can the industry promiss so ?, statistics can say what ever you push the to say, mathematics tell you is all about the sample and the population selected,
so "science papers" mean certain thing but they are just a "reflection" of the reality,..... but there are people walking around with mechanical valves x 20+ years ...

all of that said, still have doubts, will a pericardial valve last 20 years on a 62 years old ?
is taking warfaring the boogie man that will fix one thing and destroy 3 more ?
what about the noise of the mechanical valves ?, st jude or on-x ?

my heart tells me to get a bio, my mind tells me to get a robot l.o.l...

just need to share.....

thank you
Get bio then tavr if you are a good candidate
i think your right pellicle i never noticed the date and i`m still undecided as to what valve i think i`ll end up leaving it in the surgeons hands can i call you a few days before i go into surgery to ask you some final questions and perhaps advice and how to recover etc

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