Possible to Get More O2?

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Well-known member
Mar 30, 2017
Probably a silly question but since I’ve never had severe aortic regurgitation until last few months—and I’m definitely noticing more shortness of breath (SOB hereafter) & fatigue—I’m just wondering if there’s anything I can do that might help with my extreme SOB?

This may sound funny but I saw that Walgreens was actually selling canned O2 recently for people with SOB that they could take prior to, say, exercising, speaking publicly, etc. & thought that it might help temporarily (I know, I know🥴)?

Not sure if this is normal for aortic regurg. or not but I just feel like I can sleep endlessly. Just feel sleepy & extremely fatigued alllll the time no matter how long I may sleep (sometimes up to 14 hours😳).

I also notice that when stress hits my SOB is markedly more intense—is this normal also for severe aortic regurgitation (also lost a lottttt of weight in the last year but I hardly doubt that’s due to aortic regurg.)?

Having my TEE in a couple of weeks & I’m anticipating that things will really ramp up at that point.

Thank you again in advance.
I would certainly contact your Cardio about this. I had symptoms like yours. My problem was diagnosed as "Pulmonary Aortic Hypertension (PAH) about 12 years ago but did not affect my life until about 2+ years ago........extreme SOB, sleeping a lot with lack of strength and energy. I was put on Oxygen 24 hours a day and it has made "all the difference in the world". I still like to sleep 10 hours (but I am well into retirement so not a big deal) but the SOB, strength and energy are back to normal for an old man. PAH is a rare disease and difficult to diagnose and, hopefully, it is not your problem.....but it is worth mentioning to your Cardio.

The small hand-held O2 canisters sold at drug stores are for limited use for runners, etc. I think it would be a waste of money for you.
Thank you Gents. Never heard of PAH but will definitely mention it to cardio when I see him in a couple of weeks.

The O2 canisters are intriguing IMO—but still need to do more research into them.

Thanks again.
It sounds tough...

I also notice that when stress hits my SOB is markedly more intense—is this normal also for severe aortic regurgitation
I would imagine that anything that stresses the heart (by demanding more blood and oxygen) would do that in your condition. Whether it's a physical exercise or a mental stress.

(also lost a lottttt of weight in the last year but I hardly doubt that’s due to aortic regurg.)?
Doesn't sound related. A large weight loss if a serious symptom for other conditions, if it is unexplained. I'd contact the primary care doctor about it, if I were you.

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