Surgery timing

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New member
Jun 10, 2024
Hi all,
I am new to this site. I am 43 years old male from India.
I have been diagnosed with BAV 2 years back while going through echo for chest pain.
But i became aware of this only last October I. E. 8 months back.
Now I am having symptoms.
My echo parameters are:
EF 55%
LV dimensions 6.0/3.5
Aortic regurgitation - moderate & moderate to severe(another echo)
Aortic root 4.2 CM
Ascendjng aorta 3.5 CM

I am very confused about the timing of surgery whether to go for now or wait till one of the below is met:
Regurgitation become severe
LV dimensions reaches 7.0/5.0
Aortic root reaches 5.5 CM
EF falls below 50%

In addition to that i am also having trace MR and mild TR. Should this also be taken into consideration for timing of surgery to avoid making it multivalve intervention in future.

Thanks in advance
Hello, AFAIK the limit for surgery on aorta with BAV is 5, not 5.5 cm.
The guidelines for severity and LV dilatation are quite old now, I'd surrender myself to surgery earlier, if a good treatment was available.
What symptoms do you have? Your EF is normal.
For me the surgeon and cardiologist both said it was time to remove my BAV based upon the echo. I had no symptoms, but got my first within the month after I was told. Valve was removed 1-2 months later. Surgeon said it was ready to fail. A BAV can deteriorate slowly, but then there is a "tipping point" and it starts to degrade quickly. Don't wait too long if the surgeon and cardio say it is time.
If you can get a cardiac MRI before the surgery, that would be great. Although my echo indicated moderate-severe aortic regurgitation and an LVEF of 55%, my MRI results are moderate regurgitation (23%) and an LVEF of 64%. MRI is more accurate than echo.
Why is your profile photo a Swastika?
its a good question and sadly in some areas of the world this symbol has come to mean something else. It occurred to me initially too, but as soon as I saw India I was ok with it.

From Wikipedia:
... it was a symbol of auspiciousness and good luck for most of the Western world until the 1930s​

The word swastika is derived from the Sanskrit root swasti, which is composed of su 'good, well' and asti 'is; it is; there is'.[30] The word swasti occurs frequently in the Vedas as well as in classical literature, meaning 'health, luck, success, prosperity', and it was commonly used as a greeting.[31][32] The final ka is a common suffix that could have multiple meanings.[33]
The earliest known use of the word swastika is in Pāṇini's Ashtadhyayi, which uses it to explain one of the Sanskrit grammar rules, in the context of a type of identifying mark on a cow's ear.[30] Most scholarship suggests that Pāṇini lived in or before the 4th century BCE,[37][38] possibly in 6th or 5th century BCE​


in indian culture a swastika is a religious and lucky charm. Its auspicious and a good thing, I do understand the question especially on western context but its not a bad thing but auspicious in india and doesnt have any relation to its western interpretation
Fair enough. Clearly there is an understanding of what the symbol means in the rest of the world, which is very different than a lucky charm. Interesting choice, given that the vast majority of the board resides in the rest of the world.

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