Hi Groy, and welcome!
If you go back through my previous posts, you'll find my husband's story. He went with the Inspiris Reslia and promptly had it replaced 10 months later. I'll spare you the details because it was a bit of a rollercoaster and not the typical experience with that valve, but he ultimately ended up with the On-X.
His last surgery was August 9th, 2019 and he's doing great. He's been opened up a few times now, and has lived to tell the tale! Warfarin is no biggie (I think the only people that make it a big deal are those that aren't on it), self-testing is no biggie (once we got everyone to respect his wishes of a 2.0-3.0 INR range...that was an epic battle spanning years. Ridiculous.), and he's still just as active as he was going in. Still rides his dirtbike, captains our little boat, drinks alcohol, uses cannabis, works a physical job, we are DIYing a complete gut and remodel on our house, he still does heavy lifting...nothing is different for him except the scar, the warfarin, and the fact that we keep a special first aid kit for him for when he gets bumped, bruised, and scratched. Which has still definitely happened just as much as in the past! He's a stubborn guy with the will to do just about anything
All this is to say, I guess, that we can go into these things with an amazing support system, all of our t's crossed and i's dotted, thinking we have all of the ducks in a row, and yet things can still turn upside down on us. Which is not to scare you, but to encourage you that many of these fine folks here have had plans go arwy and have lived lives after, just as full as before. You are in the right place, and doing your due diligence to research for yourself and make an informed decisions, which is the best thing you can do. Keep asking questions, and keep hanging around! This is a good group of people to help you through this.
All the best to you!
Jill (wife to Mathias, OHS 3x over 10 months).
Oh! I should edit to add, Mathias had AVR and ascending aortic aneurysm fixed at 25 years old. The aneurysm fix is still holding strong from his first surgery, and his last surgery placed the On-X in the aortic position. He just got his yearly echo results back last week "Everything is pumping along just fine!" per his new cardio. Even a couple of years later and we still celebrate when his echo comes back peachy.
Hi LoveMyBraveHeart
Thankyou for sharing your story
Glad Mathias and you are positively surpassing your situation.
The more I read more I incline to a mechanic valve, it seems that those biological valves ruptures more often than it appear, and warfarin does not look to scary anymore.