I would not go back!
After my surgery I could not concentrate, could not read a book without re-reading previous pages, could not plan nor think right, and was distracted most of the time!
I saw a psychiatrist two years later who tried on me different kinds of amphetamines as they all worked well at start and stopped being effective after a while.
Yes, Adderall worked… it helped me to exercise, gave me energy, improved my thinking
It also affected my heart. (This could be only me and only my heart). But what I’m trying to say is that my mind is much back to normal despite that I’m 13 years older since my surgery: I enjoy reading books, I can concentrate, plan and think again sharply and on my own!
Your heart is healthier now after the surgery and blood is circulating well to your brain! Try to stay off it, especially with you BP. In my case, I had low BP then.
Note: My regular cardio said it was ok to take them then! Another prestigious cardio in a different area encouraged me to stop them to save my heart since the left atrium (which healed after my surgery), started to slowly re-dilate and my two healthy valves started leaking (trivial/Mild).
I stopped taking them and I’m glad I did.
Good luck. It’s your decision, your life, your heart!