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  • V
    V__ reacted to NorthVanJosh's post in the thread Lifting Weights after Surgery with Like Like.
    Bit late to this thread but I was wondering the same thing. When I asked my surgeon when he came by my bedside he advised to wait 6...
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    V__ replied to the thread NT-proBNP.
    I don't think we are on the same page. So I'll repeat them main point one more time. I'm NOT talking about the BNP level. I AM talking...
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    Actually, thalidomide was given to expectant mothers in the U.S. via free samples given to doctors. I have personally met a survivor...
  • V
    V__ replied to the thread NT-proBNP.
    I guess it wasn't obvious to me from your post that this is being checked out, therefore my comment. AFAIK it can be a symptom of...
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    V__ reacted to SatoriFound's post in the thread NT-proBNP with Like Like.
    That is exactly what I was saying. I read it in an article right before I wrote the post. I had NO clue that frequent peeing at night...
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    V__ reacted to Yankeeman2's post in the thread 47 year anniversary with Haha Haha.
    Amen. Also got my St. Jude's many years ago. The surgeon said it will last a long time, and he wants it back when I'm through with it...
  • V
    V__ reacted to Humboldtgrrl's post in the thread aneurysm?! with Like Like.
    A reminder of how Special this blog is, so it gets international readers who seek out perspectives from people who are dealing with...
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    V__ reacted to Humboldtgrrl's post in the thread aneurysm?! with Like Like.
    Thanks for posting this RACPG screening tool. I have a seemingly stable AAA at 4.1 & have other things to worry about in what's left of...
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    V__ replied to the thread aneurysm?!.
    I forgot to comment on this. (The translation process is indeed throwing me off a bit.) AFAIK there are many features that need to be...
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    It is expected that the red blood cell count will go down after surgery. Blood is lost during the procedure. Generally if the body has...
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    Yes I feel great and just about everything is fine. I don’t feel I had an open heart procedure just 2 weeks back. Yes, I’ve been walking...
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    V__ replied to the thread aneurysm?!.
    Ah! Thanks for the details. I may be getting the picture. Sounds like you have been having an aortic regurgitation. Which was monitored...
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    I only remember RBCs - they were depressed for a while. Apparently, if you have blood loss (can easily happen) and get transfusion...
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    V__ replied to the thread NT-proBNP.
    This is a symptom, that's worth checking out if you haven't already. Not heart related, but still very important.
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    V__ reacted to YogiSue's post in the thread 47 year anniversary with Like Like.
    Just stumbled across this organization recently. My first open heart surgery was 44 years ago on my ninth birthday; an aortic valve...