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    V__ reacted to ncw3642's post in the thread Surgery tomorrow- time to lock in :) with Like Like.
    Hi all, I have my planned 5cm aortic root aneurysm repair + bicuspid valve repair (possible mechanical valve replacement if it cannot...
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    V__ reacted to tommyboy14's post in the thread New Member. with Like Like.
    I will be honest, I can do more after OHS than before. I also actually do more because OHS wakes you up a bit and you want to live a bit...
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    V__ reacted to Erwitchin's post in the thread New Member. with Like Like.
    Check out minimally invasive options. I just had my aortic valve replaced on June 12 via mini thoracotomy. I am off the serious pain...
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    V__ reacted to Beach77's post in the thread New Member. with Like Like.
    @Retimlap I was 64 (Dec 2020) when I asked for TAVR (really demanded!) and had to get "permission" from my heart team because I was too...
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    V__ reacted to NorthVanJosh's post in the thread 10 Days Post Op with Like Like.
    Well just hit the 10th day since they sliced me open and put in my mechanical bentall. Thought I'd give a bit of an update as when I was...
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    Just completed 17 years on my Porcine valve and doing fine! Couldn't quite believe it when I passed the 12-year mark, BUT, here I am...
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    V__ reacted to pellicle's post in the thread New Member. with Like Like.
    this is a textbook outcome and classic reason for the actual surgical guidelines. from...
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    V__ reacted to Yankeeman2's post in the thread New Member. with Like Like.
    I was 28. I'm 74 now and still healthy and lead a very active and physically demanding life. Just can't understand why anyone with a...
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    V__ reacted to Chuck C's post in the thread Complications post-surgery with Like Like.
    I totally agree. I believe that increasing neck and shoulder flexibility in the months leading up to surgery is a good idea and could...
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    V__ reacted to 3mm's post in the thread Complications post-surgery with Like Like.
    If a surgery candidate has a couple months to prepare, perhaps some shoulder, arm, and neck stretching over a couple months would...
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    V__ reacted to Zara0006's post in the thread Complications post-surgery with Like Like.
    Hi, yes that’s what I was advised at the anticoagulation clinic regarding the effect on the stomach. Colchicine alone doesn’t seem to be...