Recent content by TheGymGuy

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  1. TheGymGuy

    13 years and counting

    Loved this story. Congrats, and to dozens more.
  2. TheGymGuy

    Invasive procedure perioperative management of INR (extended)

    @pellicle, thank you for the amazing write up. Those who self-manage should give this a thorough read. I had a small procedure a bunch of years back for which they had asked me to stop warfarin and resume after. I followed a similar protocol to what you have outlined while measuring daily...
  3. TheGymGuy


    David, how about a picture or two. I need some goals for my late 60s. Your post was very helpful.
  4. TheGymGuy


    I'm still powerlifting. Mid-late 40s. Though, my ascending aorta was replaced at surgery time. Competed 1 month ago in December, 2023 at 100kg BW, 474lb squat, 297lb bench, 567lb deadlift.
  5. TheGymGuy

    Hello from Maryland, St. Jude's bileaflet recipient

    Welcome from another Marylander.
  6. TheGymGuy

    56 years clicking!!!

    I do not post often anymore but this post deserves a reply. @dick0236 super congrats and to many, many more and THANK YOU. Before I had my surgery in 2012 your posts had put me at ease and I hope they do so for others. Keep on kicking butt!!!!
  7. TheGymGuy

    Aortic valve replacement with thoracic aortic aneurysm

    I was close to 5cm aneurysm and replacing aortic root with all that it entails was part of the surgery along with mechanical valve. I agree with others who encourage 1 surgery to get it all done together versus multiple ones. This was the advice I received before and I'm greatful for not...
  8. TheGymGuy

    My AVR OHS Experience

    Yeah buddy!!!!!!! How much are you walking daily now? Got your standing desk ready or a box to put on your desk to put laptop on top of?
  9. TheGymGuy

    10th Anniversary

    Congrats. My 10th was just in March too.
  10. TheGymGuy

    Weight lifting with valve and aneurysm replacement

    Hahahahaa. Good point. Will do. Or maybe "sheeeeet" is better?
  11. TheGymGuy

    Weight lifting with valve and aneurysm replacement

    Hahahahaha. This support community is the best. If we all just challenge ourselves and the norms a little bit on the daily huge cumulative results will follow.
  12. TheGymGuy

    Weight lifting with valve and aneurysm replacement

    Lots of good advice here and I'll chime in as its this time of the month for me. At 10 years post-op I'm still as active as before. Other than some covid weight gain, I still do powerlifting and some CrossFit. Lookup some of my older posts for training info. And for reference of what we can...
  13. TheGymGuy

    I just passed ten

    That's a great write up as always. Congrats on 10 and to many more of them!!!!! Cheers to you sir, and thanks for being you ;)
  14. TheGymGuy

    Gym and warfarin

    Late to reply, but better late than never, right? I stick to what @pellicle said, less processed foods and more things you can make yourself. Easily identifiable ingredients are key. You should be able to name every ingredient in what you prepare, and it will enable your body to grow. I also...
  15. TheGymGuy

    First post from Maryland - advice and support needed!

    Hi Mark. I'm also from MD. Had my procedure at Suburban by NIH heart team. Benefits of a smaller facility were better patient care IMO. I did evaluate JH in Baltimore but felt like I would just be another number there. Reach out if you want to chat with another local person.