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Valve Replacement Forums

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  • slipkid
    Reminds me of when I was a kid when we got a new puppy. My Mom would put a ticking clock in it's bed area saying it would comfort...
  • slipkid
    My wife CAN'T sleep when I travel as she is so used to the clicking. I bought her an old wind-up clock that she can stick under the...
  • slipkid
    Pellicle is very active here; however, being Australian, he sleeps during .... our American day. If he doesn't respond to this thread...
  • slipkid
    slipkid reacted to geff's post in the thread New Member with Like Like.
    Hi Dawn i am having the same done to me in august can you please keep us updated on how things go for you i am having a very hard...
  • slipkid
    slipkid reacted to macdaddy's post in the thread New Member with Like Like.
    Welcome Dawn! Best wishes for a speedy recovery; make sure to reach back out and let us know how you're doing.
  • slipkid
    slipkid reacted to Bionic Orange's post in the thread New Member with Like Like.
    I wish you a quick and complete recovery Dawn. I'm coming up to 11 months post surgery and I've found this groups knowledge support and...
  • slipkid
    slipkid reacted to carolinemc's post in the thread New Member with Like Like.
    Welcome to the best support system online, or really say the whole universe, where we can agree, or agree to disagree. You are welcome...
  • slipkid
    slipkid reacted to Seaton's post in the thread New Member with Like Like.
    Greetings Dawn. A big welcome to the forum. You’ll find tremendous support and much wisdom here around heart valve replacement issues...
  • slipkid
    slipkid reacted to dawnm902's post in the thread New Member with Like Like.
    Hello all! I just found this group it’s great! My aortic valve replacement is July 11th. T minus 5.5 days! Additional info on me -...
  • slipkid
    slipkid replied to the thread choosing right valve.
    Not meaning to make fun of you or your comment but I have a wacky sense of humor (& like making people laugh). The scenarios of having...
  • slipkid
    slipkid reacted to pellicle's post in the thread choosing right valve with Like Like.
    Self managing just seems so much easier. No communication needed.
  • slipkid
    slipkid reacted to V__'s post in the thread choosing right valve with Like Like.
    "Approved by dogs!" (y)
  • slipkid
    slipkid reacted to Timmay's post in the thread choosing right valve with Like Like.
    I can’t tell if this is a serious question since you’ve already asked these questions multiple times 🤷🏻‍♂️. That said, here’s my reply...
  • slipkid
    slipkid reacted to Deidra's post in the thread choosing right valve with Like Like.
    The 'clinic incompetence' I'm talking about is solely the fact that they seem to be completely unaware of how amiodarone washout and...
  • slipkid
    slipkid reacted to 3mm's post in the thread choosing right valve with Like Like.
    Is there a lesson we should all learn from this? For example, I use a phone App to report my INR to the Coagulation Clinic. Easy to...