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  1. Seeker

    Acetaminophen and Warfarin

    Thanks pellicle. Your input on these matters is always appreciated. God bless.
  2. Seeker

    Acetaminophen and Warfarin

    what is your frequency of testing (this could be a coincidence) I test about once month when my INR is stable. In this instance I'll get tested again in 2 weeks. have you had anything else (like grapefruit juice). No juice. I've also started taking 81mg of aspirin daily. I've read that...
  3. Seeker

    Acetaminophen and Warfarin

    After my St. Jude mechanical valve placement my doctors advised me I can no longer take any NSAIDs like ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, etc) or naproxen (Aleve) as they are antagonistic with Warfarin. I've been taking Acetaminophen (Tylenol) as needed for many years since my mechanical valve...
  4. Seeker

    8 year AVR anniversary with my St. Jude mechanical valve

    Blessed to be here 8 more years.
  5. Seeker

    Carnivore Diet

    That type of diet/lifestyle sounds wonderful.
  6. Seeker

    Carnivore Diet

    Dr. Berry is just one example of many that preach Carnivore. Yes, there are so many variations of Carnivore but there isn't a specific carnivore diet. Some don't include fish or dairy. There are so many different "plans" that fall into the Carnivore bucket. You can try his 90 day meal plan if...
  7. Seeker

    Carnivore Diet

    No. I'll reach out to him. I haven't limited myself on the types of food I eat since my heart surgery with the exception of large amounts of greens containing K2. I've experimented with diet over the years and found that I felt so much healthier with lower carb/high fat diet. I'm curious to...
  8. Seeker

    Carnivore Diet

    "Eating death" is a new one to me. I don't stay satiated for long just eating a plant based diet. I know companies are making plants taste like meat but then I realized that cows have been doing that forever. I'll stick with steak.
  9. Seeker

    Carnivore Diet

    I wouldn't say its all or nothing. Everyone has a variation of Carnivore they live by. Yes there are 100% carnivores, but like you, I don't want to give up fruit and some vegetables however, my serving size would be very minimal. I recommend watching a few Ken D Berry MD videos on YouTube. He...
  10. Seeker

    Carnivore Diet

    What would you say is your ratio of animal protein to everything else?
  11. Seeker

    Carnivore Diet

    My goal is to eat 90% carnivore. No processed sugar. I'll eat 1 piece of fruit if I get a sugar craving. Occasional vegetables. My motivation is to avoid diabetes as my last blood panel revealed I'm a pre-diabetic.
  12. Seeker

    Carnivore Diet

    My last blood panel revealed I was pre-diabetic. Processed sugar has been a difficult habit for me to kick. I still eat a few sweets now and then, however I no longer binge on cookies or ice cream like I used too. I don't miss it at all. If I get a bad sugar craving I'll eat one piece of fruit.
  13. Seeker

    Carnivore Diet

    For the past 30 days I've been slowly converting over to a carnivore diet. So far I'm consuming about 80% meat and 20% fruit, vegetables, and dairy. My sugar cravings have gone done considerably and so far I'm feeling great. My energy level has increased and my quality of sleep has improved...
  14. Seeker

    Are stool softeners normally given after surgery?

    The laxatives that were prescribed to me in the hospital did absolutely nothing. By the 3rd day after surgery I stopped eating. I asked for Magnesium Citrate. I think I drank the whole bottle. Worked wonders.
  15. Seeker

    Drinking alcohol on warfarin

    I enjoy chasing my Warfarin pill down with a good glass of Merlot.