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  • Seaton
    Seaton reacted to pellicle's post in the thread Endocarditis with Like Like.
    so, are you on a PICC line or is it still by a cannula? I have some experience with ongoing infections, although I did not require a...
  • Seaton
    Seaton replied to the thread Endocarditis.
    Fantastic to hear, Val! Clapping from London. 👏🏼
  • Seaton
    Seaton reacted to Val's post in the thread Endocarditis with Love Love.
    Well I made it to the other side.. Thank you for all you support, it made the process so much easier. Surgery was Friday. Now on...
  • Seaton
    Seaton replied to the thread 11 years today.
    11 years and counting! 🤩 Long may it continue. Good health and good thoughts to you.
  • Seaton
    Seaton reacted to pellicle's post in the thread Endocarditis with Like Like.
    Hi That's what I have always done Fantastic news Here's wishing you a straight forward procedure and an uneventful recovery Best Wishes
  • Seaton
    Seaton reacted to ejc61's post in the thread Endocarditis with Like Like.
    I had IE ten years ago. After about 6 weeks of on and off fever; weeks of on and off antibiotics, a blood culture finally came out...
  • Seaton
    Seaton reacted to Chuck C's post in the thread Endocarditis with Like Like.
    That is good news. I think both valves are good. I'm personally a little partial to St. Jude, as that is what I currently have and my...
  • Seaton
    Seaton reacted to Beach77's post in the thread Endocarditis with Like Like.
    Sorry to hear this Val! Sending prayers! Glad they caught it early too! You got this!
  • Seaton
    Seaton reacted to tommyboy14's post in the thread Endocarditis with Like Like.
    Hi Val, I am so sorry to hear this. Endocarditis is something I certainly fear and hope that never happens to any of us. However, in...
  • Seaton
    Seaton reacted to Gail in Ca's post in the thread Endocarditis with Like Like.
    Good luck on your 3rd surgery! In 2009, after 6 weeks of antibiotics 23 hrs a day, I had to have my 3rd surgery to replace aortic...
  • Seaton
    Seaton reacted to Val's post in the thread Endocarditis with Like Like.
    As far as valve selection, I am going to rely on my surgeon's experience and not try to second guess. His first choice is mechanical...
  • Seaton
    Seaton reacted to 3mm's post in the thread Endocarditis with Like Like.
    Val - I'm very sorry to hear about this. You can do this! This is a challenge, but YOU WILL BE FINE. Remember that many people have a...
  • Seaton
    Seaton replied to the thread Endocarditis.
    Hi Val Really sorry to hear your news. The positive is that they have caught it sooner rather than later. Am wishing you all the best...
  • Seaton
    Seaton replied to the thread PVL Closure.
    Very best to you, Dana. Will be thinking of you on the 13th. 💖
  • Seaton
    Seaton reacted to Dana's post in the thread PVL Closure with Like Like.
    Update: A second repair was done in Sept 2023 with more plugs around the mitral valve thereby avoiding a second OHS. However, in...