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  • Seaton
    Seaton reacted to ncw3642's post in the thread Surgery tomorrow- time to lock in :) with Like Like.
    Hi all, I have my planned 5cm aortic root aneurysm repair + bicuspid valve repair (possible mechanical valve replacement if it cannot...
  • Seaton
    Seaton reacted to Erwitchin's post in the thread New member - choosing a valve with Like Like.
    Pics from my surgeon! My valve was WONKY!
  • Seaton
    Seaton reacted to Standardvelocity's post in the thread Complications post-surgery with Like Like.
    My shoulder has been bothering me and frozen shoulder exercises didn’t seem to help much. Last week I was invited to golf with the guys...
  • Seaton
    Seaton reacted to NorthVanJosh's post in the thread 10 Days Post Op with Like Like.
    Well just hit the 10th day since they sliced me open and put in my mechanical bentall. Thought I'd give a bit of an update as when I was...
  • Seaton
    Seaton replied to the thread 10 Days Post Op.
    Great news, Josh! Good to hear you're back home and in good recovery mode. Thanks for the excellent update. It's always helpful to...
  • Seaton
    Seaton reacted to Yankeeman2's post in the thread New Member. with Like Like.
    I had my stenotic aortic valve replaced wirh a St. Jude valve in 1977. Have to take warfarin daily and have blood tested for coagulation...
  • Seaton
    Seaton reacted to tommyboy14's post in the thread New Member. with Like Like.
    I frankly think you got very lucky. At 61, the TAVR may have lasted 8-10 years. Then its either another TAVR or open heart. But even...
  • Seaton
    Seaton reacted to pellicle's post in the thread New Member. with Like Like.
    A brave and honest post, hatsoff to you Don't undervalue this.
  • Seaton
    Seaton reacted to Chuck C's post in the thread New Member. with Like Like.
    I feel the same way. Also have a mechanical valve, Bentall. Just finished up a 3.5 hour hike with 1,800 foot elevation gain. A lot of...
  • Seaton
    Seaton reacted to Beach77's post in the thread New Member. with Like Like.
    @Retimlap I was 64 (Dec 2020) when I asked for TAVR (really demanded!) and had to get "permission" from my heart team because I was too...
  • Seaton
    Seaton replied to the thread Complications post-surgery.
    Hi Zara So sorry to hear about your debilitating pericarditis issue. I had pericarditis about 6 months post Inspiris Resilia implant...