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Valve Replacement Forums

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  1. RobThatsMe

    Warfarin, weekly doses and doctors' stubbornness

    Is there anyway, the doctors can prescribe a 10 mg pill, it would be easier to split and more regular 5 mg dosing for you.
  2. RobThatsMe

    Coumadin and sun exposure

    I have not had much of an issue with that, but I sure do with my blood pressure meds.. Too much sun and I break out with little rash dots all over, So, I use two brand of sunscreen that work, and I do spend a lot od time on a boat in the sun in southern state summer heat. Banana Boat Sport 30...
  3. RobThatsMe

    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to our Heart Family here. We have learned and provided personal insight and information to others all through the year. I recall when I first came to this site and learned so much about what was going on within myself. And also, having helped others with...
  4. RobThatsMe

    Taking testing kit on holiday, what are the rules with the lancets on planes?

    in all my years of travel, foreign and domestic, I have never had any issues traveling with my tester. In fact, they have never even asked me about it. I always take it in my carry-on bag, along with my test strips, and critical medications. Happy Travels, Rob
  5. RobThatsMe


    Yes, my doctor is aware. my heart beats normal most of the time. I have also had a Double Ablation. The 3 huge contributors to A-Fib are Stress, Alcohol and Lack of Sleep. Guilty of all 3 at times.. Cheers, Rob
  6. RobThatsMe


    My On-X is loud. All my doctors comment on that. When I go into a crowded elevator, I will open my mouth to form an "0", then watch for the reactions of those around me as they hear my megaphone valve. I real beneficial side to it being loud, is that it helps me know exactly when my heart goes...
  7. RobThatsMe

    Mechanical Aorta Valve / Anticoagulants

    I have had an On-X mech valve since 2010. Prior to that I had a St Jude's Mechanical valve for 10 years. The St Jude's failed when pannus tissue grew and locked the valve from working. I choose the On-X because it is built to deflect and pannus tissue away from the valve. I did not choos it just...
  8. RobThatsMe

    Dr Roselli at the Cleveland Clinic

    He is my surgeon for my mechanical valve replacement, and other internal procedures addressing my dissection. He has been my guy since 2010, and is one of the best. I just saw him 2 weeks ago for my annual checkup. I am 74 and my wife and I fly up for my appointment every year. The local...
  9. RobThatsMe

    Checking In

    hi Cooker, Congrats to you for clicking on...and feel'n good. I am now on 24.5 yrs of ticking, that comes with one ticker replacement 10 yrs after the valve was first installed, and also a one-time jump start.. (Clear-and stand back.).. woke up with two sunburn marks for that one) All and...
  10. RobThatsMe

    Traveling after surgery?

    Hi Andy, I had my surgery in March and went to Hawaii 1st week of June. Granted I wasn.t moving around too fast as I was still recovered, and spent a lot of time either on the beach or in the water. My doctor advised me to go, and that it would probably do me good. Only two things I really...
  11. RobThatsMe

    Warfarin/coumadin side effects

    No Side effects that I have noticed, and have been on it since March of 2000. More side effects from my BP meds.
  12. RobThatsMe

    ablation question

    Hi JD,, I had a double ablation seven years ago. For the first 4 years I had no a-fib, or a-flutter incidents. Then they would occasionally try to kick in again, but only for about 20 sec before the ablation stopped it. I think the most critical factor is to select a good doctor, that can...
  13. RobThatsMe

    How long have you had your aneurysm?

    My first OHS for an Ascending Aortic Dissection was March of 2000 with a St. Jude Mechanical Valve with Graft. My second was in 2010 to replace the St. Jude's Valve due to Pannus growth around the valve preventing it from operating properly. They replaced it with an Onyx Aortic Mechanical Valve...
  14. RobThatsMe

    Traveling out of state for next heart surgery

    I had surgery at CCF, and once they released me after the surgery, they asked that we stay in town over the weekend before flying back to TN. Cheers, Rob
  15. RobThatsMe

    BEST NEWS OF MY LIFE :))))))

    Hi There, Congratulations on a year of stability. I had an ascending dissection and aneurysm. Cleveland Clinic repaired it. I would strongly suggest you to seek out another opinion. Just think, If they repair it, you wont have to worry anymore from year to year. Cleveland Clinic has seen almost...