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Valve Replacement Forums

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  1. M

    Problems with aortic valve replacement ?

    Well one the Valve is still working ok - from a fellow UK AVR - Sounds like you are doing well keep up the good work!
  2. M

    11 years today

    Well done -- those gradients look ok taking into account the size of the valve. Mike x
  3. M

    11 years today

    Very Good News that you are doing well and that the valve is lasting well what is the size of the aortic valve orifice at your last echo?
  4. M

    Tissue Valvers. How Old is Yours?

    Hi Neil Just checking in to see how a fellow UK member is currently doing? Hope all is still ok with you and the valve! Best Mike
  5. M

    1000mg Cod Liver Oil Capsules

    Hi, Yeah still doing ok thanks - the gradients are high, but like you the valve is still functioning well - next echo Jan 2024 It will be 12 years in April - Valve is slightly stenosed - but the leaflets and valve is still working well. In the meantime have a great Christmas! I will let...
  6. M

    1000mg Cod Liver Oil Capsules

    Hi Just checking in to see how you are doing with the AVR 10 years post surgery, i too have a mismatch apparently would be good to hear how you are doing Best Mike
  7. M

    Exercise and Tissue Valve

    alternatively you could live a very normal life - without blood thinners and background ticking noise of the valve. As I have said many times both valves offer great outcomes - (although both have positives and negatives) I personally do 10 miles a day and have done so for well over 10 years...
  8. M

    tissue vs. mechanical

    Hi Neil, Just checking in to see how you are doing and how the valve is holding up ? And Happy New Year to you! Cheers Mike
  9. M

    New Here - Are Beta Blockers necessary?

    Totally agree with Pellicle I had a dose of covid last April, and have since seen an increase in eptopic palpitations and various bouts of palpitations which can last a day or so. What does help me is to increase the dose of bisoprolol for a couple of days - but always check with your...
  10. M

    Exercise and Tissue Valve

    Interesting line of defence Pellicle I have followed a similar line of ops as you, with my first surgery in 1979 so speak with experience like yourself! I am extremely happy with my choices made as they are all life extending and health enhancing. Question- would you have made any different...
  11. M

    Exercise and Tissue Valve

    Hey pellicle I see you are still blind sided and being overly biased again - in favour of mechanical which isn't a fair representation Surely a person of your supposed education can see that both types of valves offer different solutions for different diagnoses I have always said both types...
  12. M

    10th Anniversary

    Pleased to report today is the 10th anniversary of my 2nd OHS on the 17th April 2012 1st OHS was in 1979 aged 19 keep on smiling
  13. M

    Trifecta Valve Concerns

    Hi again Thanks for your prompt response- very interesting summary of your past surgical procedures- and very pleased to see you are happy with your choices as you can see from my earlier post - I truly believe both tissue and mechanical valves offer patients very successful outcomes -...
  14. M

    Trifecta Valve Concerns

    Dear Pellicle As I mentioned in my earlier post I was right- you wouldn't be able to resist replying 😂 could you clarify something- are you unhappy with your surgical choices in the past? please open your mind and look beyond your singular binary thoughts and adopt a more inclusive way of...