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    • J
      JustGeorge replied to the thread 10 Days Post Op.
      This was the case for me as well! I was bracing myself for the chest tube from everything I’d read, seen online -But it was that little...
    • J
      JustGeorge reacted to newarrior's post in the thread Not doing surgery with Like Like.
      I have lifelong severe treatment resistant depression and do not want to live nor do I want to go through the surgery. I want to die so...
    • J
      JustGeorge reacted to Survived03's post in the thread One Year Anniversary with Like Like.
      Hit my one year anniversary today. Sitting here watching baseball, having a glass of wine and counting my blessings. I think I’ve been...
    • J
      JustGeorge reacted to SD Surfer's post in the thread Awake and recovering with Like Like.
      Woo Hoooo!! Outstanding! The two biggest things they told me was: 1. Do your breathing exercises. 2. If you feel like you can get up...
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