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  1. Jack Julles Jackson

    50M, severe regurgitation, confused about symptoms?

    Hi there. My sinthoms toke more than one year to be diagnosed. When it was, I made two echoes before scheduling my surgeon apointment. In my experience, yes, you can get more opinions, but dont lose time! And, notice: even that I had a SEVERE aortic stenosys with a very low area of opening...
  2. Jack Julles Jackson

    50M, severe regurgitation, confused about symptoms?

    Im here if you need any help. o/
  3. Jack Julles Jackson

    Weird feelings

    This is a big moment and its OK to feel weird. I aways say that if you can, you need support from a mental helth professional that you trust. Asking for help is also courage. Try to understand whats goin on with you, what is causing it, and whats is the plan to solve it. And I repeat: ask help...
  4. Jack Julles Jackson

    How much to wait to get the surgery?

    Sometimes I get hight frequence beatings, but nothin more than 110bpm. Nobody told me about any kind of fibrilation, but Ill ask to the doctors when I got an opportunity. Merry christmass to you all.
  5. Jack Julles Jackson

    How much to wait to get the surgery?

    Thank you all. Im getting better every day. Still fighting with the INR, but Ill only test again next week.
  6. Jack Julles Jackson

    My bionic valve is not so noisy.

    That was the best description what Im feeling in this moment. Hahaha Ill check it. For all of us clickers.
  7. Jack Julles Jackson

    My bionic valve is not so noisy.

    Im in home, im walking and doing lung exercises with fisioterpy orieontation. Thanks for ask.
  8. Jack Julles Jackson

    My bionic valve is not so noisy.

    Hi, my mechanical and bio friends. A week ago I got my mechanical valve. I confess, the first thing I was hopping to hear was the famous "click". But then the time came, nothing. Moved bye the motivation of anesthesia recovering, I ask to the doctor if he realy put the "right" valve on me. Now...
  9. Jack Julles Jackson

    How much to wait to get the surgery?

    I'm great all ok with the procedure, but the INR does not get fix. They sayd it's only a dosage question, but I'll still stuck in here while we it does not get ok
  10. Jack Julles Jackson

    How much to wait to get the surgery?

    Hi fellows. Did the surgery tree days ago. I'm already walking and eating. Thanks for you advice and support
  11. Jack Julles Jackson

    How much to wait to get the surgery?

    You guys are the best.
  12. Jack Julles Jackson

    How much to wait to get the surgery?

    Thank you all for the advices! I'll have the knife encounter in 12/12. Whish me luck
  13. Jack Julles Jackson

    How much to wait to get the surgery?

    Thank you all for the advices. I will do it asap