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  1. Erwitchin

    ADHD medication for heart patients

    Both are important. Until I got my diagnosis and prescription, I had neglected my physical health for years because making a call or appointment would only occur to me at 3 am or on Sundays. Without the Adderal I would never remember to show up at the doctors office.
  2. Erwitchin

    ADHD medication for heart patients

    They actually started giving to me in the ICU, but stopped when someone figured out that it counteracts the pain medicine. I resumed (with approval) as soon as I stopped taking the opiate and the muscle relaxer, about a week after my surgery
  3. Erwitchin

    TAVR vs Mini-AVR...My Delema

    I just had that surgery on June 12. I was in pain for a few days because my lung didn't want to inflate back up. (I was a smoker for 40+ years and quit the day before surgery) The pain was well managed and I was able to go home 4 days after surgery. I was able to drive a week later. I am...
  4. Erwitchin

    TAVR vs Mini-AVR...My Delema

    Hi! Welcome to a place you never wanted to be! I am glad your friend sent you here... there is a LOT of good info from good people. Sorry about the delivery of the news and lack of education from your cardio team... but they aren't leading you astray from what I can tell. I have known that I...
  5. Erwitchin

    New member - choosing a valve

    That wasn't the terminology used by my surgeon, but I think it accurate and succinct, while lacking specificity. Honestly, I am just impressed the thing worked as well as it did for 51 years.
  6. Erwitchin

    New member - choosing a valve

    Pics from my surgeon! My valve was WONKY!
  7. Erwitchin

    New Member.

    Check out minimally invasive options. I just had my aortic valve replaced on June 12 via mini thoracotomy. I am off the serious pain meds (don't need them anymore), I feel mostly recovered from the "wounds" and my heart already feels better than it has in years. I am trying to start some rehab...
  8. Erwitchin

    New member - choosing a valve

    Made it through surgery. Trying to Inflate my right lung all the way so I can go home. I can NOT hear my valve, which was something I worried about.
  9. Erwitchin

    Surgery coming up next week

    Me too! Hoping my lung inflates and I can go home later today. We made it!
  10. Erwitchin

    New member - choosing a valve

    Surgery in 3 days! Packing, getting my space ready to come home to, and getting trying not to over think!
  11. Erwitchin

    full sternotomy or minimally invasive

    The papers... 1st from 2018 finding that minimally invasive procedures are indeed safe and viable,group%3B%20P%3C0.01). this from 2022 comparing recovery and complication rates...
  12. Erwitchin

    full sternotomy or minimally invasive

    My local doctors were all suggesting sternotimy or TAVR as if those were the only options. I don't even qualify for TAVR, since I have a bicuspid aortic valve. I "shopped" around and found a surgeon 4 hours away who specializes in the mini-thoracotomy. I will be having surgery on Wednesday. I...
  13. Erwitchin

    Surgery coming up next week

    We are to be surgery buddies! I am getting packed tonight to go to Dallas and have my AVR on Wednesday!. Best Wishes!
  14. Erwitchin

    Surgury Prep - Insurance is crazy

    Yes, but it says that extensions must be filed prior to the date of stay, which makes no sense. How would they know in advance? The surgeon estimates 3-5 days, so I would think the insurance would authorize at least 3 to start. (And here I thought 1 day for childbirth was pushing people out...
  15. Erwitchin

    ADHD medication for heart patients

    I was diagnosed with a bicuspid aortic valve at around 27, and with ADD at 50. I credit the Adderal for enabling me to actually make and keep doctors appointments and get the severe stenosis diagnosis before it damaged the rest of my heart. My primary care physician, cardiologist, and surgeon...