No previous heart trouble.
Husband and father of three boys. Active lifestyle. Golfer, woodworker, home-improvement project lover. Christian all the way! Jesus is my personal Lord and Savior!
- Birthday
Feb 11, 1968
(Age: 57)
- Location
Spokane, Washington, USA
- Surgery
- I had Aortic Valve replacement surgery three times. 2007 Pig Valve, 2016 Bovine Valve, 2024 St. Jude 25mm Masters HP
- Medications
- 81mg aspirin daily, Losartan and Coreg/Carvedilol (blood pressure), Coumadin/Warfarin
- Occupation
- 8th grade CTE/STEM science teacher.
- Referral
- Searching online for answers to my questions. God led me here. :)
-54 years old
-Endocarditis (bacteria attacked Aortic Valve) at 39 years old.
-AVR -June 20, 2007. Dr. Leland Siwek, Sacred Heart Hospital, Spokane Washington
"Medtronic Freestyle" 27mm (Stentless porcine tissue valve)
-AVR #2 April 25th 2016 Dr. Leland Siwek, Edwards Magna bovine 23mm