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    dick0236 reacted to LondonAndy's post in the thread Coumadin and Fruit with Like Like.
    If you have your own INR test meter, you can be flexible with what you eat (with a few to exercise caution over, such as grapefruit and...
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    dick0236 reacted to pellicle's post in the thread Coumadin and Fruit with Like Like.
    shock announcement ... all of us on it have and have had little to no problem. Let me ask you: are you actually crazy about this issue...
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    dick0236 reacted to 3mm's post in the thread Coumadin and Fruit with Like Like.
    Perhaps you could ask your doctors to put you on Warfarin for a month now to see if it has any adverse interactions with your other...
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    dick0236 replied to the thread 47 year anniversary.
    It is really comforting to hear of these long term successes of old mechanical valves. When I joined this Forum in 2007 (shortly after...
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    dick0236 reacted to YogiSue's post in the thread 47 year anniversary with Like Like.
    Another St. Jude’s valve to report: mine is 35 years old! Great to hear from others
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    dick0236 reacted to mom2angel's post in the thread 47 year anniversary with Love Love.
    Welcome! In a few months, it will be 43 years since my first mitral valve replacement. I was 2 years old. Had a re-replacement in '93...
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    dick0236 reacted to dornole's post in the thread Coumadin and Fruit with Like Like.
    Evgenii - if I recall you’re pretty young yeah? Are you on no medications at all right now? Warfarin does have more interactions to...
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    dick0236 reacted to 3mm's post in the thread Coumadin and Fruit with Like Like.
    Please don't worry ... too much! If there is a change in my life such as pneumonia, antibiotics, etc., then I may test more frequently...
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    dick0236 reacted to LondonAndy's post in the thread Coumadin and Fruit with Like Like.
    Wow! I too eat many of those foods regularly, and no particular effect on my INR. As others have said: get yourself a test meter that...
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    dick0236 reacted to pellicle's post in the thread Coumadin and Fruit with Like Like.
    @Evgenii I'd take dicks advice here and use the following process form a question in your mind (foods and warfarin) work out how...
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    dick0236 reacted to pellicle's post in the thread Coumadin and Fruit with Like Like.
    so, it also "may not be" ... thus I say "test and know thyself" its pretty f&cking simple really ... they say these thing because...
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    dick0236 reacted to 3mm's post in the thread Coumadin and Fruit with Like Like.
    That is a long, complicated, scary memo! Please don't let it upset you, however. I think the memo exaggerates the issues. Note: I am...
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    dick0236 replied to the thread Coumadin and Fruit.
    I won't discuss the effects of warfarin on various Rx drugs or procedures as I trust my doctors to not prescribe meds or procedures...
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    dick0236 replied to the thread Coumadin and Fruit.
    Warfarin was first introduced in 1954. I started taking it in 1967.....and for 15-20 years after surgery there was little said about...
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    Do you have an Australian cardiologist now? If not, find one and talk with them. Meanwhile, Pellicle is a wonderful resource, and he...