Recent content by DebbyA

Valve Replacement Forums

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  1. DebbyA

    It’s me again. Praline

    Hi Praline, Good day to you too! It was good to see your name pop up again. I hope you'll come back to let us know how you're doing with the more recent, non-cardiac issues. I hope you can get them resolved with minimal frustrations.
  2. DebbyA

    What is a good watch/ wearable to measure heart rate and heart rate variability?

    Here's my Amazon review of Fitbit Charge 6: I bought this in March 2024 and mostly have liked it. However, every once in a while a feature stops working and there is no clear solution, just lots of time googling and trying this, trying that. Most recently it has shown sleep data but no sleep...
  3. DebbyA

    I am bereft

    Lisa, such a shocking experience for you. I hope your trip home is finished and went smoothly. My condolences to you and your family.
  4. DebbyA

    The best bleeding stoppers in emergency situations

    WoundSeal topical powder.
  5. DebbyA

    10 year anniversary second AVR

    10 Years with mechanical valve, after only 6 with porcine. Also had 50th wedding anniversary. (Next milestone I hope to meet in 3 years is 10 years cancer free.) Thank you to all the people who continue to participate on this forum!
  6. DebbyA

    What kind of regular care should one receive after surgery

    This is the standard of care for U.S. patients Section 2.7.4 Periodic Imaging After Valve Intervention is the approximate location for management of patients after surgery. However, the entry for Mechanical valve with no...
  7. DebbyA

    56 years clicking!!!

    Congratulations, Dick! And thanks for sticking with the forum through all its years.
  8. DebbyA

    Can overeating cause a rise in INR?

    Who knows? I don't think INR and food has been tested much. We're all familiar with the misinformation about eating greens. You made several changes to your eating schedule as well as the pig-out menu. Too many variables. Since you're back in range, why be concerned?
  9. DebbyA

    Member from long ago- Praline

    Praline, I remember you!--you have such a distinctive member name. Hope you are doing well. I've maintained my membership out of gratitude and recognition that the site is still helping people as much as I was helped by all the shared information, though there have been many changes to the site.
  10. DebbyA

    NEWBIE: Needs advice

    I would run from that cardiologist, and possibly from the doc who referred me to him.
  11. DebbyA

    NEWBIE: Needs advice

    Recovery rates vary and you'll get lots of information here about that. I'm speaking up as an outlier from the "age matters" in valve choice. I got a tissue valve at 60 and it failed in 6 years. If it had lasted the promised 15 years, I would be facing another replacement now. Even as a...
  12. DebbyA

    Rim to River to Rim in the Grand Canyon

    That's quite an achievement! Congratulations to you all and kudos to your wife.
  13. DebbyA

    Aortic valve replacement and Covid

    Check with your doctor to see if Paxlovid is a possibility for you.
  14. DebbyA

    Chest pain and uncertainty

    My husband was having chest pain several years ago and it turned out to be a gall bladder problem. He went to ER, was checked for cardiology, nothing found. I followed Jerome Groopman's advice in How Doctor's Think: "what else could it be?", and googled to find the gall bladder possibility...
  15. DebbyA

    Need Help Choosing! 14 Questions For Those With Mechanical Valve + Warfarin

    1. 65 2. 10 years 3. My mechanical valve did not fail, but the tissue valve I got at 60 did. 4. Self-manage but insurance requires reporting to RemoteInr (formerly Coaguchek) who notifies my cardio who is supposed to monitor. 5. 7 the main annoyance for me is the contraindication for so many...