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  1. daVinci

    Considering the Ross procedure

    Thanks @pellicle . Just such a hard choice to make... I have a young baby and being there for the long term is the most important thing Thanks for sharing your Ross experience, I'm sorry you were unlucky with the dilation.. I know they have new techniques to prevent that now. Will check out the...
  2. daVinci

    Considering the Ross procedure

    I understand this. It's a shame I'd be in the cohort to benefit more in a lifestyle change way, things are often easier when you have the decision taken away from you and not the option of choice! I don't even want to have one OHS, I like to convince myself I'm well.
  3. daVinci

    Considering the Ross procedure

    Very lucky you got through to an older age with a native repair, that's brilliant. Glad to hear you've been fine on the mechanical since. Is it noisy? Multiple times is a concern to me as well. It's less the warfarin (I can manage that unless I'm one of the unlucky ones who naturally struggles...
  4. daVinci

    Considering the Ross procedure

    Thanks for sharing, nice to hear from someone else in the UK having gone through our system. Can I ask where you had your surgery? And how old were you for each of them? If I were male I'd go mechanical in the first instance at my age for sure, I want as little intervention as possible, I like...
  5. daVinci

    Considering the Ross procedure

    I appreciate you linking to this study, however the full paper is unavailable. It's not the best abstract so I'd be wary of making any inferences from it. It doesn't even state if it's a single-centre/ multi centre trial. Is this a single-centre retrospective study? It's also 24 years old given...
  6. daVinci

    Considering the Ross procedure

    Thanks for sending all these through. I'd come across most already fortunately. A decade or two without anticoagulation is more important to me as a woman than it would be to most patients my age. I feel I would be accepting of switching to mechanical valves down the line were I to have issues...
  7. daVinci

    Considering the Ross procedure

    So the time has come for surgery and I'm thinking about options and doing all the research I can to make the most informed and best suited decision for myself and my future. I've searched literature and previous posts to try and understand more about the Ross procedure and the experiences of...
  8. daVinci

    Exercise Test

    Had an exercise/ treadmill test today, was wondering if anyone else had had one of these on their valve journey prior to surgery? And if so what results/ symptoms did you get during the test? My blood pressure falls at peak exercise (I think below/ towards my baseline) which probably explains...
  9. daVinci

    Honest Answers

    I'm sorry you're having such a hard time with things. Have you ever had health issues before that you've had to deal with? You'll only set yourself up for a life of fear and worry if you let your mind think that way. I can tell it doesn't feel like it to you at the moment, but we're actually...
  10. daVinci

    Staying the Course -- December 8, 2020

    I can't tell if this is a joke or you're being serious ;)
  11. daVinci

    Staying the Course -- December 8, 2020

    Watch this space! I mean they must have some true confidence in it in my opinion. It's being offered to healthcare workers, pretty much all those in ITUs. You don't just risk the health hard to replace staff on a whim or if it's not overall deemed to be worth it. Otherwise no one wins...
  12. daVinci

    Staying the Course -- December 8, 2020

    I actually decided to take the plunge and got the vaccine a few days ago now when it was offered to me. I'm fascinated by mRNAs, did a dissertation on them once upon a time. We'll see how this new technology holds up! But feeling fine for now... Had a very sore arm for about 36 hours, a...
  13. daVinci

    Warfarin causes dementia? There's just one review for you. The section comparing warfarin to NOACs/DOACs is interesting. Like you said, good INR control and maintaining that homeostasis between clot and bleed seems key. Pros and cons to everything.
  14. daVinci

    Warfarin causes dementia?

    I'd heard of this before, my understanding was at high INR it can increase the likelihood of microbleeds in the brain, like how boxers can get microbleeds from repeated head trauma. They are then at higher risk of dementia from the accumulated damage. Would make sense to happen at low INR too...
  15. daVinci

    Length of time between echos

    When you say you felt 'wrong' what do you mean exactly? I don't feel quite right r.e. energy levels and my partner says I sleep more than I used to. I don't have severe noticeable symptoms, but do seem to get more breathless than people I know on stairs at pace, have to slow down. I am on...