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  1. C

    Some photos to relax with.

    This is a 6 hour stack. One of my goals was to get a shot of heart nebula because of the major changes in my life due to my previous bicuspid valve. Also in the photo at the top is the Soul Nebula and hanging off of the heart is Fish Head Nebula. Tony
  2. C

    Some photos to relax with.

    Posted last nights shot of Seagull Nebula 7 hour capture.
  3. C

    Some photos to relax with.

    Man this is weird how it duplicated shot of my rig
  4. C

    Some photos to relax with. Redid Andromeda managed about 5 hours acquisition .
  5. C

    Some photos to relax with.

    Yes main camera the 533 or 2600 I have set to cool to -20 degrees F
  6. C

    Some photos to relax with.

    Guide camera is an asi 174mm mini . I got it because of the high gain I can use if fainter stars are less visible.
  7. C

    Some photos to relax with.

    I use affinity software for stacking.
  8. C

    Some photos to relax with.

    The square frame are taken with an ASI533MC Pro, 9 megapixel sensor made by ZWO. The rectangular sensor is the ASI2600MC Pro, 26 megapixel sensor.
  9. C

    Some photos to relax with.

    Wanted to post some wintertime objects: The great Orion Nebula with the Running Man.
  10. C

    Some photos to relax with.

    1st time I linked a shot with setup I have been using. Astrophotography is an evolving practice for me.
  11. C

    Some photos to relax with.

    Rosette Nebula
  12. C

    Some photos to relax with.

    This is a re-shoot of M17,Omega,Swan nebula shot with my Evostar 120 telescope guided 5 minute exposures x 15 stacked and processed in Affinity. I don’t know about the relaxation but it’s fun shooting shots.
  13. C

    Is an aneurysm common for people with a bicuspid valve?

    Absolutely, less is better if you can do it. I am glad I have my native vessel and how it will respond to normal physiologic stresses. Replace that segment and you lose some neurological connections that can affect your ability to respond in heart rate, vaso constriction/dilation, etc..
  14. C

    Is an aneurysm common for people with a bicuspid valve?

    Found indications for repair in UpToDate condition Aneurysm diameter* Sporadic (not associated with disease below) Ascending ≥5.5 cm >5.0 cm (ACOE and low operative risk) Isolated arch aneurysm ≥5.5 cm Marfan syndrome (MFS), familial thoracic aortic aneurysm/dissection (FTAAD)...