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  1. ChuckM

    On- X valve is superior to outdated one like st jude and ATS

    I've been an outlier here since I first found this board. Not having it for reference prior to my surgery (things progressed pretty quickly), I took the surgeon's (who's expertise was well noted here in our smaller city) word for it. I was informed that I could have a tissue valve or a...
  2. ChuckM

    Is an aneurysm common for people with a bicuspid valve?

    I'm ChuckM, and I'm right there with Chuck C. A routine calcium score discovered my aneurysm, and the testing began. When it was all said and done, I'd had a 5.0cm aorta and a bicuspid aortic valve.. both replaced at the same time. Now I have a mechanical valve and a dacron ascending aortic...
  3. ChuckM

    Mechanical valve ticking

    I'm late to the game, but have weighed in before, so just to reinforce what's said. I'd previously said that I actually take comfort in hearing it, because I know my rhythm is fine. Only real scare I had post surgery was some palpitations in the middle of the night, which I'd have likely not...
  4. ChuckM

    Yet Another Colonoscopy Question

    The GI specifically did NOT cauterize, they did a cold snare which was explained to me that it was a less risk of bleeding post op. I recall reading somewhere that after the initial procedure with cauterization, the scab can "slough" off and begin to bleed more than the snare procedure. He...
  5. ChuckM

    Yet Another Colonoscopy Question

    I didn't post anything prior to this because there were so many other threads, but I'll follow up with this. As always, everyone's experience may be different, but I can 100% confirm this. My colonoscopy was scheduled for a Friday morning. I stopped warfarin after my prior saturday dose. I...
  6. ChuckM

    Hard pounding in the chest after mechanical AVR

    I believe I've followed up on one of @pellicle previous posts about this, but I too questioned it after surgery. I also had a root replacement along with my valve, so a good bit of hardware was used in my surgery. 4 years later the thump, as I would describe it, is still there, but is only...
  7. ChuckM

    TIAs with aortic valve replacem

    As a relatively new aortic valve recipient as well as an aneurysm repair, I'm curious as to what are the symptoms that you feel that indicates you're in afib? Does the rhythm of your valve click change, do you feel a flutter in your chest, etc. I don't know if I have had it or not.
  8. ChuckM

    Bentall & Freestyle

    I was 48 and had the same thing, accidentally discovered during a calcium score scan. I've been reassured multiple times that this is a blessing and definitely not a curse. I think its generally accepted that the alternative would have been toes up in the dirt. The clicking and the warfarin...
  9. ChuckM

    AVR with Replacement of Ascending Aorta and Triple CABG

    That time between my cardiologist explaining things to me, the thoracic surgeon finding the opening in his schedule and then finally having the surgery, was probably some of the longest in my life. Amazing how much weight you can lose when you've got one thing on your mind, all the way through...
  10. ChuckM

    Mechanical valves ... but what about the ticking?

    I did, and they confirmed it. I have a cpap machine (got it following my "meeting the crap out of my deductible following open heart surgery") but I can't sleep worth a lick with it on my face. It feels like Alien! I couldn't sleep on my sides for months, it was very painful right down my...
  11. ChuckM

    Mechanical valves ... but what about the ticking?

    I know I "pushed through it" after surgery. I'm probably way more a side sleeper than on my back (I snore so it keeps my wife awake!), but obviously spent all recovery time on my back until my chest healed. No matter how hard I tried, it was painful within a few minutes of trying to lay on my...
  12. ChuckM

    AVR with Replacement of Ascending Aorta and Triple CABG

    Yep! Discovered the aneurysm (5.1cm) during a routine calcium score ordered up by my primary care doctor.. went back and did a second CT with contrast to confirm the aneurysm. Then they followed with an echo and determined the valve had to go as well. Although not named specifically by my...
  13. ChuckM

    Mechanical valves ... but what about the ticking?

    I am almost in this exact same boat, almost point for point. My first trip to the bathroom after leaving ICU following surgery, my wife was helping me shower for the first time in days, and we both could actually "HEAR" it.. from the OUTSIDE with my ears. It had a more thumpy sound, I'd call...
  14. ChuckM

    5 months post-surgery -- thumping heart beat

    Hey Justin, It's been 3 years since I had the same exact set of procedures. At my last cardio visit, I asked my doctor about this very same thing. I just felt that something like that would have subsided over the past 3 years, but its only changed slightly. Mine is in specific situations...
  15. ChuckM

    How much warfarin do you take to get to an inr of 2.5 to 3.5?

    But thats Missouri partying, not Louisiana partying. Pretty sure there's a good bit of difference, but Columbia is (was) my last stop in the SEC before OK and TX join us next year. Of course @pellicle is an Aussie, so he's probably got us both beat. Probably not a stone though as most people...