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    • CAG12345
      CAG12345 replied to the thread Introduction.
      Thank you!
    • CAG12345
      CAG12345 replied to the thread Not doing surgery.
      Thank you so much for sharing your story. It is amazing to know that you have gone 13 years without progressing to point of needing...
    • CAG12345
      CAG12345 replied to the thread Not doing surgery.
      I am so sorry that you feel so hopeless about the possibility of getting any enjoyment out of life, but understand that more than 60...
    • CAG12345
      I go four times a year for cleaning to keep periodontal disease in better control. Dentist had recommended three times a year and I did...
    • CAG12345
      CAG12345 replied to the thread Introduction.
      Thank you very much for your multi-pronged and super thorough response. I really appreciate all the information as well as help with the...
    • CAG12345
      CAG12345 reacted to pellicle's post in the thread Introduction with Like Like.
      Hi and welcome I understand ... but my only advice is: there is only one thing you truly have control over; which is how you choose to...
    • CAG12345
      CAG12345 replied to the thread Introduction.
      Thank you for your warm and encouraging welcome.
    • CAG12345
      CAG12345 reacted to dick0236's post in the thread Introduction with Like Like.
      Hi GAG12345.....and welcome. Read thru the posts on this Forum and you will find many others who have felt as you do.........and have...
    • CAG12345
      62F after first echo showing moderate to severe aortic stenosis, asymptomatic. On watchful waiting for next six months unless symptoms...
    • CAG12345
      CAG12345 reacted to Caroline's post in the thread TAVR in the works with Like Like.
      Hi there. I'm an 83 year old facing my first adventure with heart disease. Aortic Valve replacement at Stanford happening soon. Post...
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