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Valve Replacement Forums

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  1. A

    interesting video here about valve choices

    This guy seems to hate a mechanical valve
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    Anyone had 3 valve replacement surgeries?

    I looked at your profile, I am glad this went well for you ? Just curious was mechanical not your first choice , early on ? What was your reasoning on choosing bioprosthetic twice
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    Surgery timing

    in indian culture a swastika is a religious and lucky charm. Its auspicious and a good thing, I do understand the question especially on western context but its not a bad thing but auspicious in india and doesnt have any relation to its western interpretation
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    Backwards trend in Echo Measurements

    one of my echos put my lv dimension at 6.2 cms but subsequent echos were all normal < 5.8 cms
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    Questions about treatment options

    are you sure ? I think the resilia inspiris tissue valve last as much as a homograft
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    turkish hammam after mechanical valve

    there is no logic, I wanted to understand if any folks had any problems going to saunas or doing massages post op. Is there anything I must be aware of except taking warfarin and self testing
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    turkish hammam after mechanical valve

    Is this possible ? in general I love thai massages and hot stone massages, wanted to know if there are any contraindications
  8. A

    mechanical or tissue valve and an active lifestyle?

    I feel that getting a tissue is risky, especially if you are susceptible to calcification. The valve may calcify much quicker, infact ~5 years is not uncommon on a few folks. A mechanical acually makes sense with a portable tester
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    Backwards trend in Echo Measurements

    whats the latest report say ? mine says pk 50 mean 28 , these gradients firmly put me in moderate and in another center it says about the same
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    Backwards trend in Echo Measurements

    something the readings have a lot of discrepancies, mine went from severe to moderate and my last 2 echos in different hospitals says moderate . I might after a few months go to cleveland or mass general to verify this, but for now I am on annual review
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    Backwards trend in Echo Measurements

    did you verify this with a TEE ?
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    Mechanical Valve Data

    Its always a trade off, its tough as I am 33 and have measurements that are not there yet but being followed up , I know surgery is in my future. If your young its a very tough choice, but a tissue valve wont last 30 years if your looking to live that long. I know that endocarditis can happen...
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    Early 30s, 3 strokes over 7 years of On-X

    if I may ask what changed from now to then ? Did you replace the meter, do you have a coagucheck now ? How do you calibrate the meter for reference
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    Diminished running ability after mitral valve surgery.

    I def dont want them to control my life, I would like to be independent and take control. I will reach out to understand the techniques to be successful. My diet varies a lot for sure, Do you know members here who have bought warfarin in india ? I hear they sell acitrom in india but I want the...
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    Diminished running ability after mitral valve surgery.

    I am a 33 year old monitoring a stenotic bicuspid valve which is close to needing surgery but not fully there yet. I wanted to make an informed decision with respect to anti coagulation management as a head start before getting the valve. I am an IT professional in the bay area originally from...