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  1. Adamlee

    Bruised rib or internal bleeding?

    I'm hoping I'm being a bit over the top but I was wondering if anyone can give me some advice on what they would do: Last Saturday I went the my schools summer fayre and was helping out in the 'Beat the Keeper's. I was letting goals in for the little ones and being a bit silly and over-dramatic...
  2. Adamlee

    3.5 months post surgery

    Another update: My situation detoritared quickly and I was admitted into hospital on the 17th. Ablation completed on the 18th. Immediately I felt better. My pulse has dropped from mid 90s to 60s resting. Over the last week or so I have began to build up strength again and will hopefully feel a...
  3. Adamlee

    3.5 months post surgery

    Update: A couple of weeks ago I had a 72 hour ECG. Turns out I'm still in constant A-flutter from late November. Docs say that's why I've been finding recovery difficult. Wish they had sorted it sooner but now on the waiting list for an ablation. Hopefully that will sort this and I'll feel...
  4. Adamlee

    3.5 months post surgery

    Thanks for the reply! That actually makes so much sense because I didn't take my beta Blockers and amiodarone for 2 days (pharmacy was closed) and weirdly felt better physically - bit of a spring in my step - but my heart rate went back over 100. My heart rate is definitely coming down but...
  5. Adamlee

    3.5 months post surgery

    Hey all, Hope you're all doing well. As the title says, I'm 3 and a half months post surgery and just had a few questions to see if anyone else had similar experiences. Quick reminder: 32 years old, symptoms before surgery were mild but there, moderately active with job and golf. Had...
  6. Adamlee

    Surgery this Friday

    Hey, thanks for the reply. I hope you're doing well! I've just passed the 12 week mark now and think I'm doing okay. I still get a bit of strain in my stomach when walking on an long but slow incline. I think it's just my overall fitness needs to improve now. I'm pretty sure I didn't walk enough...
  7. Adamlee

    Heart Rate and Beta Blockers/Amiodarone

    Thank you Tom for your response. You've helped me calm down a bit. I'm hoping you're spot on - my heart isn't pumping as it was pre-surgery so they'd send me to the people who can solve it: heart failure clinic. Not that it's under the 40% ejection fraction but just that it's not what it was...
  8. Adamlee

    Heart Rate and Beta Blockers/Amiodarone

    Had my appointment today at Birmingham: They're happy with the heart rate - saying its normal and it's reacting to what the body needs (recovery). However, they're a little concerned with the echo I had a month before. They said that the heart isn't pumping as strongly as it was before...
  9. Adamlee

    Heart Rate and Beta Blockers/Amiodarone

    Forgot to mention the high heart rate was due to Atrial Flutter.
  10. Adamlee

    Heart Rate and Beta Blockers/Amiodarone

    Hey all, I've posted here before and previously mentioned a little bit about my situation Surgery this Friday (not sure that's the best way to attach the previous post). I was just curious to hear from a few other people who've been in a similar situation. So, my surgery was Nov 4th 2022 at...
  11. Adamlee

    Surgery this Friday

    I teach Primary School (Year 5 10-11year olds) so I teach everything really. Maths, English, Science, PE, French, RE etc.
  12. Adamlee

    Surgery this Friday

    I really tried to yesterday but really couldn't get a decent read. Even my Dad tried and said it was hard to track the rhythm. Today is much better. Just did a manual read of 124 (31 beats 15 secs). I agree, I love hearing my mechanical valve and the fact I can hear it clearly today has put me...
  13. Adamlee

    Surgery this Friday

    Thank you for your concerns. The Cardiologist I spoke to this morning was aware that it can have an affect on my warfrain/INR levels. My INR today was 2.8 and will be monitored daily. I've also had those lovely injections again today which should help the warfrain too. My heart rate is now...
  14. Adamlee

    Surgery this Friday

    Thanks guys. They say it is a Atrial Flutter not Afib. Searched the forum and saw this person's post. Early bit is very similar to me. 130 resting, just over a week out. They've given me amiodarone and will be in for 4-6 weeks if it works. Only had one dose so far. Feel a bit calmer...
  15. Adamlee

    Surgery this Friday

    So I'm now in hospital again (different one to surgery) hooked up to an ECG machine/heart monitor. They've given me 5mg of betablocker but it hasn't worked so I think they'll give me more once it's been 6 hours since the other one.