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      Patr83 posted the thread Never give up! in Post Surgery.
      I am currently 7 months out and feeling fantastic! My NT-probnp was >35000 and all was grim. I took the challenge head on and now down...
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      Patr83 reacted to pellicle's post in the thread Mechanical valve ticking with Like Like.
      yep ... My personal Diesel engine goes unnoticed by me for lengthy stretches ... but often I simply can't hear it at all (just put a...
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      Patr83 replied to the thread Mechanical valve ticking.
      I was stubborn and was told I just had pneumonia. Thankfully my wife made me go to the hospital because my cough would not go away and...
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      Patr83 replied to the thread Mechanical valve ticking.
      Chuck, thank you for reaching out! I did have severe LVH and it is trending in the right direction now that we have medications...
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      Patr83 replied to the thread Ejection Fraction post surgery.
      Mine dropped as well and I was admitted back to the hospital. Turns out that I was just retaining fluid and once I was put on Bumex I...
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      Patr83 replied to the thread Mechanical valve ticking.
      Thank you for the responses! Trying to explain this issue to those who don't understand is frustrating and I am thankful I found this...
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      Patr83 replied to the thread Mechanical valve ticking.
      Thank you! For your feedback!
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      Patr83 replied to the thread Mechanical valve ticking.
      For me it’s the ticking late at night I hear in the back of my head. I am so thankful I hear it but maybe I am just not used to it yet...
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      Hello everyone I am 41 and 6 months post surgery. I opted for the mechanical valve for the durability but sometimes I struggle at night...
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