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    • Joseph
      Joseph reacted to pellicle's post in the thread Status of CoaguChek supplies in the US with Like Like.
      Morning welcome .... In a discussion I mentioned my concerns about potential supply chain issues with perhaps only one factory...
    • Joseph
      Joseph replied to the thread 47 year anniversary.
      An anniversary well worth celebrating! Congratulations and best wishes for many more!
    • Joseph
      Joseph reacted to YogiSue's post in the thread 47 year anniversary with Like Like.
      Wow, that’s amazing, a 58 year old heart valve. Thanks for sharing your story and wishing you better health.
    • Joseph
      Joseph reacted to dick0236's post in the thread 47 year anniversary with Like Like.
      It is really comforting to hear of these long term successes of old mechanical valves. When I joined this Forum in 2007 (shortly after...
    • Joseph
      Joseph reacted to YogiSue's post in the thread 47 year anniversary with Like Like.
      Another St. Jude’s valve to report: mine is 35 years old! Great to hear from others
    • Joseph
      Joseph reacted to mom2angel's post in the thread 47 year anniversary with Like Like.
      Welcome! In a few months, it will be 43 years since my first mitral valve replacement. I was 2 years old. Had a re-replacement in '93...
    • Joseph
      Joseph reacted to Chuck C's post in the thread 47 year anniversary with Like Like.
      Yet another St Jude with 30+ years and still going strong. Great to hear!! These valves are incredible.
    • Joseph
      Joseph reacted to pellicle's post in the thread Coumadin and Fruit with Like Like.
      so, it also "may not be" ... thus I say "test and know thyself" its pretty f&cking simple really ... they say these thing because...
    • Joseph
      Joseph reacted to pellicle's post in the thread Coumadin and Fruit with Like Like.
      firstly let me say that while "information" exists on the internet the quality (rigor and accuracy) of that is diminishing at a rate the...
    • Joseph
      Joseph reacted to dick0236's post in the thread Coumadin and Fruit with Like Like.
      Warfarin was first introduced in 1954. I started taking it in 1967.....and for 15-20 years after surgery there was little said about...
    • Joseph
      Joseph reacted to Protimenow's post in the thread Roche Coaguchek XS PT INT STRIPS with Like Like.
      FWIW - I don't know what SelfCareDepot (a sponsor here) charges for the InRatio (I think he said he'll have some in a few weeks), but I...
    • Joseph
      Joseph reacted to Timmay's post in the thread Roche Coaguchek XS PT INT STRIPS with Like Like.
      I’ve done all my orders so far with Reliaston and just placed another order for another box of 48 strips. $229 US dollars shipped. I...
    • Joseph
      Joseph replied to the thread 11 years today.
      Congrats! Every day is a bonus day, here's to many many more!
    • Joseph
      Joseph replied to the thread 13 Years with my St. Jude..
      Congrats! Here's to many, many more anniversaries. I'm also one of the infrequent posters and completely agree that the site has a...
    • Joseph
      Joseph reacted to Jamey T's post in the thread 13 Years with my St. Jude. with Like Like.
      It's still clicking away. For anyone out there reading this and wondering, the warfarin is really a non issue. I do what I want, when I...
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