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      This forum was a game changer for me pre-op, so I'd like to give back by sharing my experience. TLDR: I had a mechanical St Jude 8...
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      Lucker reacted to d333gs's post in the thread Third Anniversary! with Like Like.
      Three years ago today :AVR with an Edwarads Inspiris. I am feeling great ! And getting in lots of exercise! But I recently had a...
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      Lucker replied to the thread how to make a new heart?.
      The risk of arrhythmia generally increases if the heart is enlarged (myocardium hypertrophy or dilatation of the chambers), and if the...
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      Lucker replied to the thread how to make a new heart?.
      Can be 2 months, can be 5 years, no exact prognosis is practically possible. Yes, do make independent evaluations of the severity of...
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      Lucker reacted to Evgenii's post in the thread how to make a new heart? with Like Like.
      Bakulev's federal center offers me Ozaki based on echo with 2nd degree regurgitation, Veresaev's hospital based on measuring 3rd degree...
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      Lucker reacted to Chuck C's post in the thread how to make a new heart? with Like Like.
      That is pretty vague. "not working properly" He was not able to give you a more specific reason than that. You did say that you have...
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      Lucker replied to the thread how to make a new heart?.
      There must be doctors who will agree to wait until the EF is lower and the LV is dilated. I personally wouldn't go this way, and there...
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      Lucker replied to the thread how to make a new heart?.
      Regurgitant volume of 67 ml is well in the severe zone. LV is not enlarged, only the muscle has hypertrophy, this is good. I think it is...
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      Lucker reacted to pellicle's post in the thread how to make a new heart? with Like Like.
      for what its worth I was followed yearly at first, then more frequently on my first two surgeries. Its important to get a base line to...
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      Lucker replied to the thread how to make a new heart?.
      Evgenii Yes, the forceful pulse is common with a valvular disease, don't overtrain, your heart is already somewhat strained. I know your...
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      Lucker replied to the thread New member with the usual dilemma.
      Hello, last time I've been checked (2 years ago) the annulus was 30 mm. This had been described as too large for Ozaki by dr...
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      Lucker reacted to Superman's post in the thread 34 years came and went… with Like Like.
      Busy busy. Had to get my password reset. Back in November I passed 34 years. Sometime in the next year or two I’ll double up on my...
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      Lucker reacted to johnnycake23's post in the thread Bovine Aortic Valve Turns 17 with Like Like.
      Hello everyone, I just want to share that today marks the 17th anniversary of my visit to Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago for...
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