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      Val replied to the thread Endocarditis.
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      Val replied to the thread Endocarditis.
      Thanks for all the info. It helps hearing from folks who actually experienced endocarditis. Still culturing, cultures reacting to...
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      Val replied to the thread Endocarditis.
      Thank you for sharing. Sounds like what happened to me. Not sure why they are recommending antibiotics for life.
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      Val replied to the thread Endocarditis.
      I'll go home on a picc line.
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      Val replied to the thread Endocarditis.
      Thank you for the info. It's comforting knowing I'm not the only one. Info is limited on Dr Google and some what scarry
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      Val replied to the thread Endocarditis.
      Just got bad news. Two stains of staph still active in heart tissue. They will suppress it with 6 weeks of IV antibiotics and then try...
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      Val replied to the thread Endocarditis.
      Well I made it to the other side.. Thank you for all you support, it made the process so much easier. Surgery was Friday. Now on...
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      Val replied to the thread Endocarditis.
      As far as valve selection, I am going to rely on my surgeon's experience and not try to second guess. His first choice is mechanical...
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      Val replied to the thread Endocarditis.
      The reason my surgeon would use a homograft is if there is active infection. Unlike mechanical and biological valves, homograft is...
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      Val replied to the thread Endocarditis.
      Thanks for your kind thoughts. Surgeon second choice would be a homograph valve which does sound like a great option but the surgery...
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      Val replied to the thread Endocarditis.
      Thanks for your good advice. I have Googled my surgeon and he seems well qualified. He's not an OnX fan so it will probably be a St...
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      Val replied to the thread Endocarditis.
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      Val replied to the thread Endocarditis.
      IV vancomycin is the antibiotic. Afib / Aflutter heart ablation 10 days before symptoms. Endocarditis is at least 3-4 months old...
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      Val posted the thread Endocarditis in Heart Talk.
      I went to the ER with a fever of 101 F because I recently had an ablation was following discharge instructions. Because I was found to...
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