Hello my name is Terressa, I came through valve replacement a couple of times to see what you guys were talking about. I just want to say I love this site. I had my mitral valve replace in 2001with a st jude mechnical valve at the age of 21. Well the reason I want to be more involve with you guys is because I'm also 20 weeks pregnant, and so far everything is going super well. I don't want to jinks it, but so far so good. I get my INR level check every week to make sure I'm in range and I go to my OB doctors every 2 weeks for treatment. I already had more sonograms then a normal pregnant women would probably have, to make sure the baby is ok. I had some genetic testing done to make sure the baby is ok. I been on coumadin throughout my pregnancy, but at 36 weeks the doctors are going to switch me to herpin shots, which I'm freaking about. But anyway, I'm just looking for some friends who can relate to me and my situation. Alot of pregnant women and regular people just can't get what i'm saying to them, when it comes to my heart condition and coumadin, you know. It was nice to get this information off my back, nice talking to you guys.